Chapter 38

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A/N: I think I'm gonna change my verryyyy original shit username:)

Lauren's POV

"No." I stated looking through my files and I heard the man in front of me sigh.

"It's just a few hundred dollars-"

"Mr. Harrison I said no." I glanced up at the older man and he pursed his lips tightening his tie.

"Ms. Jauregui we talked about this yesterday-"

"Sir, do I look like a bank to you? Do I look like I give out loans?" I clenched my jaw and he held his hands while he put them on his lap.

"If you're looking for money why don't you go to Daniel Banks? He'll be glad to welcome a new customer." I smiled sarcastically at him and he glared down at me.

"You know that company is going down in sales. They're thirty million dollars in debt and they still haven't paid off Mrs. Livingston-"

"Mrs. Livingston doesn't even need the money anyway it's not like she uses it for anything useful. Just like you so I've decided that I will not be paying your little set up on Sunday." I closed my files and looked up at him as he stood there firmly.

"Now is there anything else I can help you with Mr. Harrison?" I asked with a fake polite smile as I interlocked my fingers on top of my desk.

"No." His posture hardened and I smiled seeing him get angry.

"But if it's such a good healthy thing for the community it shouldn't be about the money." I advised him looking into his dull brown eyes, "You should go check in with Livingston Appliances they obviously love giving out money."

"I don't like this attitude Ms. Jauregui I thought we were professionals-"

He was cut off when my office phone rang and I sighed holding my finger up as I picked up the black phone.

"Lauren Jauregui speaking." I stated and I heard a woman's voice speak up.

"Hello this is Mrs. Rosina the principal of Eisenhower Elementary School I'm calling because well you're the second legal guardian on the emergency contact list-"

"Yeah I'm Marina's mom." I spoke as I listened intently to the woman's words.

"Oh but isn't Ms. Cabell-"

"Marina has two moms." I sighed and she cleared her throat.

"Oh great okay well I'm calling because I need you to come down to the school as soon as possible. Marina had a physical altercation at school today and we'd just like you to come in." She said politely and my eyes widened as my jaw dropped slightly.

"Physical altercation?!" I hissed in surprise not expecting my little girl to do something like this.

"Yes ma'am she's outside my office with the other students." She spoke calmly and I frowned deeply not caring if someone was in the room or not.

"Woah wait... Plural? There's more than one?" I started to get angry but not at my daughter.

"Yes, uh three boys-"

"Three boys?! Y-You know what? Don't worry I'm gonna be there very shortly. Thank you Mrs. Rosina." I spoke and after a few more sentences we said our farewells.

I stood up buttoning my blazer and he looked at up at me full of boredom but this wasn't the time for rude expressions. I was mad now and no one in my business should fuck with me when I'm angry.

"Mr. Harrison you'll have to leave now. I made my final decision and I'm not funding your development gathering. Now I have to leave and I need you to leave as well." I said walking to the door as he got up with a frustrated sigh but I turned around.

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