Chapter 23

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A/N: so uh where you hoes live? So I can live with you when someone gets elected as president.


Lauren's POV

Two weeks had passed and it was currently July, twenty-third on a Thursday. I tiredly stretched from the seat of my private jet as Marina bounced happily as we boarded a nearby airfield in Hawaii. I stood up with another stretch as Vanessa and Marina squealed together.

"Ooh shit!" I heard Marina gasp excitedly as her body shuddered with excitement.

I snapped my head towards her and scowled at her causing her to smack her hand over her mouth.

"Sorry mama it won't happen again." She whispered with scared eyes and I frowned deeply shaking my head as I tried my best not to burst out laughing.

"Where's mommy?" I asked looking around and Marina popped up afraid.

"Please! Don't tell mommy! I promise I'll be good I won't ever say it again." She said with wide eyes causing Keana and Ariana to chuckle as they caressed Vanessa's head.

"I'm not gonna tell mommy I just wanted to know where she's at ladybug." I giggled running my hand through her curly hair and she sighed in relief.

"Oh thank you."

"Scared of the chancla?" I mumbled and she nodded with wide eyes and I laughed throwing my head back slightly.

"Alright come on." I chuckled picking her up and watching her cover her mouth and giggle.

"And mommy is in the restroom." She mumbled smiling against my cheek and I kissed her temple.

"Let's go meet Dinah and Normani at the hotel." I said once Camila came out of the small restroom while Ariana downed her champagne quickly.

"Oh my god we're gonna see a real ocean Mar!" Vanessa smiled before being lifted onto Keana's side.

"I know right! We're gonna have so much fun!" Marina struggled to get out of my grasp and once she did she walked up to her friend.

"Can you let me down mama?" Vanessa mumbled politely to Keana and her mom let her down with an over exaggerated sigh.

"Let's go love bugs." I said as I grabbed Camila's bag and my own while Keana did the same to Ariana.

"Yes!" The kids exclaimed happily as they interlocked fingers and walked to the now open plane door.

"Don't walk so far babies!" Camila afraid and I kissed her temple.

"They're fine honey." I said before walking down the steps as we were instantly greeted with a Hawaiian man.

"Aloha." He smiled softly as he put a flower necklace on me.

A/N: I'm following what movies taught me so don't judge

"Mommy look!" Vanessa turning around as she still clutched onto Marina's hand.

"Very pretty my silly goose." Keana smiled at Vanessa as she looked at the flower in her hair.

"Yeah." Marina smiled softly before looking ahead with red cheeks.

"Aww." Camila cooed lowly for only me to hear.

"Let's hurry I'm so jet lagged." I groaned lowly and Camila looked around in awe even if we were still in the middle of the airport.

"I can not wait till I see our room." Camila gasped excitedly as she held onto my arm.

"Same baby." I yawned as I flipped my shades down and Camila kissed my cheek.

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