Chapter 13

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After a very eventful evening and trying to keep Lauren away from Marina and my apartment we had a heartfelt talk. It wasn't a heartfelt talk that we needed to have like why I left her and how she can easily take me back. I broke her heart out of nowhere and maybe it was just me but the situation was slowly killing me inside.

That was two days ago and today was Friday thank god I didn't have a weak immune system because my sickness lasted only a couple days. And at the moment I was walking Marina out of her school building. She was going on and on about how "amazingly perfect" the fundraiser was going.

"And then-" She paused and I chuckled to myself as I wiggled her hand and she took a breath.

"Yeah uh and then Joshua fell down when he tried to catch his candy bar." Marina spoke but suddenly more sadly and I looked down at her to see her looking across the street.

"Come on lovebug we have to meet Aunt Dinah and Mani." I said softly and she sighed climbing in the car.

"I'll never get to meet her huh?" She mumbled as she looked out the window and I sighed.

"Soon baby I promise." I whispered mostly to myself and she watched the construction yard fade away.

"Can I have some ice cream?" She asked with a tone I knew so well.

"Marina I don't know maybe late-"

"Ice cream or mama?" My daughter gave me an ultimatum and I discreetly rolled my eyes.

I sometimes hated how smart she was.

I sighed heavily and I heard her breathe out a quick chuckle, I looked back and saw her smirking out the window.

Definitely Lauren's child.


"Mommy said I can have some ice cream." Marina nodded with a hum as she rested her arms on the diners table.

"Is that so?" Mani smiled before squinting her eyes at me.

"She's been getting a lot more ice cream over the past four days- everything fine?" Normani asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"Marina wants to see-"

"I saw mama and mommy said it wasn't her so I want ice cream." Marina said and I frowned shaking my head.

"Not true! I said it was a board not actually her Marina." I frowned and she shrugged as she swung her legs from underneath the table.

"Hmm sure but it's still her business so that means she has to be there right?" She asked and Dinah nodded causing me to kick her leg.

"Ow! What? It's true." Dinah hissed and I gave her a look.

"Well she may be really busy so she's not there all the time but one day honey." Dinah gave her a tight smile and Marina threw her head back groaning.

"I never ask or wish for anything! Why can't I just see her? She is my mama." She pouted as she started to play with the napkin in front of her.


"Soon, I know mommy." She sighed and I looked up at my best friends with a hopeless gaze.

"Uhm honey we wanna ask you if you wanna stay the night Saturday?" Dinah asked Marina causing my daughter to look up at them.

"Oh gosh." Marina mumbled to herself before looking down at her lap.

"Mommy's leaving again huh?" She asked and I silently groaned while she looked up at us.

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