Chapter 4

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A/N: I get you all hate me atm but I got one more thing to say so...It'll be a bit until Lauren finds out about Marina soooo yeah 🐸☕️ sorrayy x

About an hour later Dinah and Normani went home because Dinah actually drank too much and started to feel sick. Lauren also introduced me to her group of friends and I caught up with Zayn. I mean I wasn't dumb I knew they knew about me, considering the blush Lauren had on around them was telling me that they knew- also to mention the fact that Halsey and Liam were teasing the shit out of her.

I guess they were originally here for Louis' promotion which made me automatically feel bad because I was stealing their friend away. But they reassured me that everything was fine that "Lauren needed this as much as we did," and that was probably when I knew they knew about me and (or) us. Lauren and I haven't stopped talking not even for a minute we both were talking like nothing has ever happened between us. Like we were us again. I never thought I'd love a smile so much in my entire life.

"It's getting pretty late." I mumbled looking at my watch and she slightly pouted.

"You're gonna leave?" She wondered aloud and I shrugged.

"I don't really want to but I'm like really tired I'm so not used to staying up." I chuckled and she smiled,

"Yeah little math teacher." Lauren giggled as she smiled at me with a loving glint in her eye.

"I know I'm like a granny nowadays." I chuckled as I went through my purse for something.

"Well uh hey?" Lauren mumbled before reaching out and touching my shoulder softly.


"Uh you wanna get out of here?" She asked with a deeper tone of voice and I smirked.

"Well Jauregui look who's flirtin' now?" I giggled and she blushed looking away.

"Not like that Cabello, I mean just out like for a walk or something." She grinned happily with a shrug and I nodded.

"Of course, it is getting a bit stuffy in here." I admitted as I looked around the still packed bar.

"Great let's go clear our lungs." She said standing up and handing out her hand which I gracefully took with a giggle.

"Still a gentlewoman I see." I chuckled and she poked my nose.

"And you're still a goofball I see." She replied back and I smiled up at her.

"Hold on I'm going to say bye." Lauren added as she looked over at her friends.

She walked over to them as I stood by the doorway of the bar's entrance and I watched her as they started speaking. Almost instantly a blush spread across her cheeks while her friends smirked but she just shook her head. I chuckled to myself knowing what they were assuming. This all would've been so much better if Lauren just knew I wanted a real family with her. I always have. I quickly pushed the away the thought, I was being ridiculous I literally just got back in contact with her. Too fast hoe. Way too fast.

My thoughts were interrupted once Lauren walked back up to me and she smiled softly.

"Ready?" She asked me as she relaxed her shoulders.

"Always." I chuckled still feeling a slight buzz from all the alcohol I consumed tonight.

Lauren smiled and led us out the door and into the not really surprising chilly weather. It was the midst of April and it was almost my favorite time of year, the leaves were growing back and the flowers were blooming. But the sun wasn't out and it was immensely colder than it should have been- or what I was actually used to.

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