Chapter 15

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A/N: Me👇🏼

"Mommy come on please? Can I have some? I swear I won't eat them all this time

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"Mommy come on please? Can I have some? I swear I won't eat them all this time." Marina pouted as she held up a case of Oreo's and I sighed shaking my head.

"No put it down we have a budget." I said looking over our grocery list and she put up the Oreo's irritatedly with a mumble of "I never get what I want."

"Ooh bananas-"

"How come you get to have bananas but I can't have what I want?" Marina cut me off with a pout and I ran my finger through her dark brown locks as I looked at the stacks of bananas.

"Because bananas are healthy and I'm also the mom." I said picking some up and setting them in our basket.

"You can't use that excuse all the time mommy." She giggled and I smiled at her.

"Sure I can-"

"Camila Cabello." I heard my name being called and I turned around as my brown eyes connected with another set of familiar brown ones.

"Oh my gosh! Shawn?" I gasped with a smile and Marina frowned in disgust as the well built man hugged me tightly.

"Hey Mila I can't believe you're here." He smiled his pearly whites and I returned the gesture.

"Same to you Shawn how you been holding up?" I rested one hand on my hip and another on my child's head.

"Great actually I uh kinda had to drop out of premed but I became a real estate agent." He smiled and I took notice of his humble looking suit and I smiled.

"Good for you-"

"What about you? You look so amazing." He complimented as he discreetly looked me up and down.

"I'm a ninth grade math teacher I had to quit soccer in college." I shrugged as I ran my hand through my daughters hair which Shawn had yet to notice her.

"Wow smarty pants over here." He joked and I also noticed that his voice got a little deeper- not by much but it changed.

"But hey uh what're your plans on Friday?" He asked and I suddenly got nervous- I didn't want him to think that he had a chance because most definitely Lauren was still here.

"Uh as friends right?" Marina stepped in and I started laughing my ass off in my head while on the outside I ran my hand through her hair once again in satisfaction.

Shawn looked down at my daughter then back up at me then looked around.

"Oh w-wow you and Lauren are still-"

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