No. 2 On The To-Do List

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"I don't want to go through that again..." LilyBlizz said, shuddering a little. 

Her body still felt stiff for being tied up for so long with a bunch of ropes and her ears... Oh man, her ears... The sound waves she was hearing now were all fuzzy and numb, causing her to feel completely uncomfortable to the silence.

"Hahaha, I can see that very well!" UnlikelyKing laughed cheekily.

Her voice was crystal clear unlike the silence that was taking over her friend's room whenever they went quiet. It really just pierced through LlilyBlizz's auditory tube and to her ear drums sharply due to the fact that her ears were still recovering from the constant lecture that came from Ryoma and Xander.

"What's next on the list..? It's your turn to prank, King.." she said, shivering a bit more. "My body feels all numb and my ears are about to fall off..."

Giggling, UnlikelyKing looked at the list for the next task they wanted to do. LilyBlizz tiredly plopped onto her futon, her face first into the pillow, and blindly looked for her bottled water. UnlikelyKing pushed it over to her without looking and rolled up the list again before stashing it back into the belt of her kimono.

"I am to try to catch anyone in a net trap," she said, giggling a bit. "Minus Setsuna. How exciting..!"

Apparently, her giggle was a sign that she was unfazed by the thought of any form of possibilities that could happen to her, to anyone really. The girls and everyone in the astral barrier were trained to create a trap for hunting since they all took turns on the job to gather their resources, so this wasn't going to be much of a trouble for UnlikelyKing. The only thing she needed to worry was who was going to step into it.

"I'll let you rest before I start our next task on the list.." said UnlikelyKing as she gave LilyBlizz a pat.

The girl nodded and sighed as she rested up her body after running so hard to get away from the two most craziest, or so she thought, retainers she could ever be chased by. It was a tiring feat, but she made it. She somehow survived.

"King..... Did I pass....?" LilyBlizz asked.

"Yes, you did. One stupendous point for you, Lily," she laughed.

"Oh thank the gods..."


After about an hour of resting and snacking on some fruits, the girls set out once more to start on their second attack. Hopefully, no one was going to have their weapons with them when they get caught. It'll be quite dangerous if they did and results wouldn't be as smooth as the girls wanted it to be.  First and foremost, building a net.

"If Setsuna comes by, you'll have to keep her away," LilyBlizz told her friend.

UnlikelyKing nodded as she focused on building her net trap, swiftly knotting up the ropes together to create the stiff net she wanted to build. She then buried it under some dirt and pink petals to conceal it and prevent it from being seen by the eyes of anyone else before slinging a rope onto a tree branch to tie it off elsewhere.

"Hope for the best, Lily... Hope for the best..." UnlikelyKing said as she took out the scroll and handed it over.

"Oh, and make sure you don't get caught or it'll be considered a fail," LilyBlizz told her, accepting the scroll and putting it in her own belt.

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