No. 4 On The To Do List

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LilyBlizz ended up sleeping in even later than the day before. It really wasn't her fault that she was so tired to the point where she would hibernate like a bear. Okay, maybe it was her fault, but it wasn't hers entirely. UnlikelyKing woke up just fine. Well lucky her.

The girl with ombre colored hair finished her training that very morning and decided it was time to check on her friend, the ridiculously troubling archer.

"Lily......?" UnlikelyKing called softly.

The dark mage poked her head into LilyBlizz's room only to see her laying on her futon sound asleep. It was possible that one little commotion won't even be enough to get her up at this point-- she was just too tired to open her eyes.

"Oh dear.. You're going to oversleep furthermore at this rate.." the dark mage told her unconcious body.

UnlikelyKing walked over to help her get into a seated position before she pat her awake as best as she could. In response within a few minutes later, LilyBlizz groaned and cracked an eye open just a centimeter wide. The sliver of light took advantage to blind her at this point.

"Ughh... What time is it....?" she asked groggily.

"Well, it's already almost the afternoon..." she replied. "You should go eat.. And make sure to make up for the breakfast you missed."

LilyBlizz moaned disappointingly as she tried to stand up. She was completely stiff and sore from running around for two days straight. This was probably worse than training. It was not a pleasant feeling at all.

"Maaaaaaaaaaaa, help meeeeeeee...." she whined.

UnlikelyKing snickered a little and sighed as she got up to her feet to pull LilyBlizz up. It wasn't that easy since she made no effort to stand.

"I'm.. not.. your mother.." she grunted, holding onto her smirk.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.....! Lactic acid in my system!!" the short haired girl screamed in pain. "It burns!!!"

"I can't help you with that. Well that's if you don't mind being cursed-"

"NOOOOOO! DON'T YOU DAREEE!" LilyBlizz exclaimed. "The last time you casted a hex on me, you made me dance in front of crowds of random people we didn't know existed until the end of the day! You could be tricking me into it again..."

The dark mage snickered and gave a quick shrug before riling up her hair further.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Suit yourself, really. I mean I can make you dance around during a fight if I wanted to, but that's too dangerous."

The archer sighed as she shot a soft frown at her friend once she got up from her back and to her feet.

"Let's take a break so you don't kill yourself from exhaustion."

"Ah, ah, ah! Who said WE'RE taking a break-- specifically you?" LilyBlizz replied with a smirk.

UnlikelyKing blinked and then mumbled under her breath when she remembered it was her turn to do a task worthy of being inputted to their list.

"Gods... But you need the break," she excused. "It'll be a much wiser decision than to continue it today. We end up following each other during our 'jobs.'"

LilyBlizz giggled and shook her head at the mage, holding her hand out for the list silently. Giving her the blank look, UnlikelyKing gave the archer their list of activities they wanted to do on their break times and sighed to herself.

"If I remember correctly, this task doesn't require me to be around you at all. I'll only be third wheeling you," responded LilyBlizz.

"Lily.. What are you talking about....?" questioned UnlikelyKing.

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