No. 7 On The To-Do List I

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Dedicated to those in the story!


It was about a week from the last fight the soldiers had fought with unknown invaders and none of the girls involved with the two duo's game were able to do anything on the list UnlikelyKing held onto. Sad but true, the buildings in the astral barrier were in need of a major clean up and rebuilds. Of course Lilith wasn't able to fix them all at once; it took time and lots of her energy away just for a single large building, even for a strange dragon as herself. The groups were divided in half that day with the Hosidans following Kamui's lead and the Nohrians following Corrin's. Both sides were to work in their fields respectively and proficiently. Their strengths they possessed in certain abilities over the other, to be exact, was what made work go faster and if it was vice versa, they probably wouldn't be done by this following day.

"Man, I am beat..!" Astrid-chann said as she collided into one with the green grass.

At least she wasn't on the Nohrian side of the barrier or she would've collapsed into a dirt path or dead plants instead. LilyBlizz smiled a bit when she sat down nearby and wiped off the sweat on her forehead.

"I wonder if the others are done yet," the older girl replied exhaustedly.

The-Lobster-Queen spotted the two basking in the sunlight for a bit as they recovered from cleaning up broken weapons and armors littering the ground while she was bringing back the rest of the meat she gathered in her hunt. She eventually decided to stick around them after her work was finished.

"Hiya, guys!" she exclaimed as she ran over.

Her long purple cape fluttered around behind her as she sped to the exhausted figures. And with that cheerfully bright call from her voice, both heads of LilyBlizz and Astrid-chan's snapped over to one who was trying to gain their attention.

"Ah, Sky-LA!" the pegasus knight greeted.

But before she could finish, something decided to contact her body from up above out of nowhere.

"..... I'm sorry...." DWN024ShadowMan apologized as she crawled off.

"Uhhhhh... Did you just come from the sky?" the archer asked the ninja.

Pulling back her blue hair from her face and taking off her mask, she smiled awkwardly.

"I guess you can say that.. But it wasn't exactly the sky," she giggled.

Her bright apologetic smile looked nothing like the kitty whiskered sharp teeth looking mask grinning thing she always had on- no one knew what to call it. Heck, the girls still wonder why she decided to wear it in the first place-- it kind of creeps them out especially during night!

"So what's going on? Finished work yet? How's being on supervision by Leo? Fun?" the ninja asked as she rolled off Astrid-chann.

The pegasus knight gasped for air and sighed in relief when the weight was lifted off her body. Literally.

"Leo scolding us is scary... What do you mean by 'how is being supervised?' It's even scarier since he won't hesitate to hit us!" LilyBlizz hissed, glancing at the prince watching from a distance.

He was staring directly at the tiny group of girls with his usual stoned, expressionless face. Gods, he's like Xander with those scary faces he makes... As the archer's gaze slid back to the girls nearby, a thought suddenly ran through her head.

"You know Skyla.. I wonder how you even ended up with the army.." mused the girl.

The smiling kitsune's eyes fluttered a bit before she curiously tilted her head, ears flopping around to further emphasize it.

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