To-Do List Interruption No. 1

114 7 24

Dedicated to those in the story!


There seemed to be no break at all this coming day. In fact, the day just started suddenly for the army instead of the typical "wake up, eat, and start training!" type of schedule. No, there were no schedules for them at all in actuality, but a single task. And that task was to fight.

It was a sudden invasion that very morning and thank the gods Jakob was already nearby when it happened. His first move was to defend himself and quickly get everyone up, before the situation got any worse.

"Lily, wake up! How are you still asleep in this situation??" UnlikelyKing called.

The archer, bleary eyed, looked up at the concerned dark mage confusedly. She wasn't in her usual blue kimono oddly enough, well determining the color of her pink clothes and its shape.

"What's up...?" LilyBlizz asked with a yawn.

"For starters.... We're being invaded! No time to change for you! I'll just snap magic on you and get you ready...! Other than that, wake up!!"

It took a little bit of time for the archer to register into her brain just what was going on as well as what her friend had just told her. When she got the message, LilyBlizz quickly started to panic.

"By the gods...! A war? Now? What do we do, King?!?!" she hollered.

The dark mage had an urge to give herself a slap in the forehead, but remained sane as she dragged a clingy LilyBlizz out the room quickly to the open, getting her clothes changed in a flash.

"We fight back of course! Everyone is out there in combat now!"

And as soon as the dark mage said that, a pegasus rider had flown by and grabbed the archer's collar, flying out to the fields to fend off the invaders.

"Hooooolyyyyy CRAAPPPPPPP!!! WARNING NEXT TIME, WOMAN!!" LilyBlizz screamed.

She was now a good distance off the ground, not having the ability to touch it nor does she want to at the very height she was at. UnlikelyKing was still on her feet running into battle while her friend stayed sky high for a while longer.

"Should've woke up sooner..." the blonde told her. "Again, a little late. Even during a war."

"I'm sorry, Astrid...!!" the girl sobbed, hanging onto her glasses and bow.

"You're paired up with Katie and I today! Well for now."

The archer had the feeling of her stomach dropping as she thought the sky knight was going to drop her at any moment within a tremendous height. Then again, she isn't THAT mean... Or was she?

"Drop off point! Kinshi knight enemy up a head with a bow and samurai back-up!" Astrid-chann called, suddenly having her pegasus, Gemini, drop to a dive. "I'll get the partner!"

Long gone had she let go of the archer's collar and let her drop to her demise.

"WHEN DID I BECOME A RAG DOLLLLLLLLLL?????" she screamed in terror, dropping backwards and trying to shoot the enemy flier.

Her arrow landed a hit, dropping the riders into the sky with no control before they launched a projectile as she shot another one.

"Look out!"

The kinshi knight shoved her partner out of the way, taking the hit instead, but Astrid quickly took advantage of the move and attacked the samurai that just got shoved.

"Oh dear..." UnlikelyKing commented as she cursed a mercenary.

She giggled mischievously as she turned her attention back to the enemy and drained her from their life force with Nosferatu.

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