No. 6 On The To-Do List

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Eyes rested on the malig knight as she looked around the room, intrigued with all the items UnlikelyKing had stashed in her.... headquarter or so she liked to call. With her lips sealed thinly together as she scanned the items, she wondered if she could check out some of the contents from a few of her belongings, silently reaching out. King knew she wanted a closer look and grinned.

"Careful, I cursed them," she joked.

The girl backed away quickly and checked. Even though her magic wasn't all too great, she could still try and sense it if any at all.

"It's Iro's turn to do a dare...." LilyBlizz said, yawning. "Supposedly a task for both King and I since we came up with them."

With the list in her hands, the archer looked through for the next item on their scrolled up list.

"King, you were supposed to sing in front of a crowd today," she said. "I guess it's being passed to Iro now."

A cheeky looking grin grew on IroshadowGL's face after she heard the next thing she had to do. She loved to sing after all.

"I can manage!" she said.

"Oh yeah? Well I can't, so have fun," UnlikelyKing said with a smile.

She was relieved that she got out of this one, but the next one could be worse. It's not everyday where eyes would be fixated on her for a long period of time. She didn't mind, but singing wasn't too much of her forte.

"BUT! It's not a legit concert," LilyBlizz suddenly barged in, "where lights would be on you and you'd sing your heart and soul out of yourself."

"Well, of course. ... Wait, wha-"

The archer smiled and quickly cut IroshadowGL off before she could say anything else.

"You are to sing like a drunkard and sway around like a maniac, adding in the voice cracks and weird dynamics!~" purposely sang the girl before smirking. "Don't worry, I can sing and I refuse to. If you back down now, you fail the task."

IroshadowGL blinked and sighed before nodding in agreement. It was her first challenge and she didn't want to bomb it the moment she received it.

"Alright then... When am I to start..?" the malig knight asked.

By now, LilyBlizz was busy mumbling to herself about something and holding up a master seal.

"Should I or should I not..? Takumi never said I can't and stuff, but-"

"Lily.." UnlikelyKing said, snapping her out of the transe and putting back the seal.

"Hm? What was the question?"

The girls smiled awkwardly as sweat secretly formed on the back of their heads.

"I said, 'When do I start?'" Iro repeated.

The archer looked at Tinted_Memories who was half asleep by now after her day with Odin and then over to UnlikelyKing.

"How about dinner?" UnlikelyKing suggested with a grin. "Break their eardrums out as they enjoy their meal and before they sleep. We also need a rest after dealing with.. Odin."

LilyBlizz giggled and nodded.

"Perfect! Just don't hurt your voice into the process."

IroshadowGL giggled and tried out her weirdest sing voice for a change of her usual smooth sounding vocal. The girls suddenly went quiet and cracked up at the humorous noise of IroshadowGL's cracked voice going up and down a scale distortedly. It was deafening alright, just as bad as their archer friend's demonstration.

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