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"U-Um, Jimin, y-your leg is on my stomach.." Jimin felt someone poke his cheek and his eyes shot open. The figure by him quickly attempted to shuffle away, but he didn't get anywhere because of Jimin's leg. Jimin tiredly rubbed his eyes and peered at the boy next to him.

"You're Taehyung, right? Kim Taehyung?" Jimin questioned, his voice gruff from just waking up.

"You know my name?" Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise.

"Obviously. I sat next to you in Math and Geography last year." Jimin cleared his throat and moved his leg off the boy beside him who was avoiding eye contact for some reason. "What are you doing here anyway? I didn't think you were the kind of person to skip classes." Jimin smirked. He sat up and carefully watched Taehyung.

Taehyung didn't say anything. He just reached out to the wire of his earphones and weaved it between his fingers. Jimin observed Taehyung in silence; he caught sight of how Taehyung's eyes would erratically flicker to him before landing on his own hands again.

"Why do you wear those glasses?" Jimin inquired without meaning to; he was sure that Taehyung never actually wore glasses last year. The other boy blushed, and still refused to say anything. "And why do you keep your hood up?" Jimin leaned forward and tried to grasp Taehyung's hoodie, but Taehyung scooted back in alarm, causing him to whack his head against a book shelf. "Oh, s-sorry, are you okay?" Taehyung nodded vigorously before curling his legs closer to his body and resting his head against his knees.

Jimin wanted to talk more to Taehyung, but the other was refusing to communicate with him in any way. "That song you were listening to before, on repeat, what was it called?" He hoped he had spiked Taehyung's interests by asking that.

"Talk Me Down." Taehyung murmured without looking up. Jimin nodded and made a mental note of checking it out properly later.

The silence that rafted between them was tranquil in listless ways. It was like a loud noise that kept them detached from the rest of the world. Jimin didn't know if it felt like that for Taehyung, but as he watched Taehyung coiled up to himself, he knew that Taehyung was something else. Something completely stormless and composed,

but maybe he was just trying to look like that. Maybe he was the complete opposite-

"Don't...D-Don't stare." Taehyung stuttered quietly, and Jimin immediately tensed.

"I wasn't staring!" He retorted and wondered how Taehyung even knew that Jimin was looking his way when he had his head down. Jimin sighed and allowed his eyes to travel down the end of the aisle, and that was when he noticed someone stood there, he didn't know for how long, but he jolted forward and harshly shook Taehyung's arm. "Taehyung! It's Mr. Kim! Get up!" Jimin whisper-shouted, and quickly swung his backpack over his shoulder.

Taehyung also collected his belongings together and scurried to his feet, and instantly began to worry about what their teacher would do to them for skipping lesson. The two of them stared at their teacher's direction for a moment.

"W-Wait, I don't think he's seen us!" Jimin muttered, and Taehyung noticed too. Their teacher's back was facing the two of them. "Quick!" Jimin loosely clutched Taehyung's wrist and tugged him to the other end of the aisle. Taehyung suddenly felt extremely nervous and wanted to pull away, but his gaze was fixated on the back of Jimin's head.

Jimin pressed Taehyung against the end of the book shelves so the two of them wouldn't be seen. He peeked over the side to check if Mr. Kim had noticed them, but thankfully he hadn't. He stood straight again, and his gaze locked with Taehyung's.

Taehyung was shaking slightly, he was getting really anxious. Jimin caught on and gently placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "It's okay, don't worry, you won't get caught." He assured. "If you do, then I'll say I dragged you into it or something." Jimin tried to give Taehyung a comforting smile, but Taehyung's breaths were getting heavier, and harsher. Jimin didn't know what to do, so he just carefully rubbed the other boy's shoulder, hoping it would calm his nerves.

"Park Jimin? Is that you?" A voice bellowed at the far end of the aisle, and Taehyung stiffened. He instinctively grabbed Jimin's hand in fear and his eyes darted at Jimin. What was he going to do if he got caught?

Jimin sensed Taehyung's jittery aura and squeezed his hand in comfort. It wasn't something he was actually planning on doing, nor was it something he thought he would ever do, but he did it anyway, then proceeded to lean to the side.

"Sup, listen, sir, I'm just looking for this book." Jimin's voice was cool and composed, which eased Taehyung's tension out.

"It's taking you more than 4 lessons to look for a book? Why don't you just ask the librarian?" Jimin pursed his lips and slowly nodded.

"Sir, you're a true genius. I'll do that." Jimin grinned, and Mr. Kim just rolled his eyes.

"Jimin, you do have potential when it comes to education. If you would take it seriously, then who knows, maybe you'd enjoy learning." Jimin scoffed unintentionally, resulting in a glare from his teacher, and he quickly covered his mouth.

Taehyung couldn't see Jimin, but he smiled. He smiled at the confidence Jimin had, and he smiled when he looked down at their hands,

but his smile faltered when he realised that he didn't have the same confidence that Jimin had, and maybe if he did have it, Jimin would have been his a long time ago.

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