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"Aight, you can wear this." 

"N-Night...gown?" Taehyung gaped at the lilac knee-length gown, and looked back at Jimin.

"That asshole of a Yoongi brought it for me for my birthday. Nearly all of my shirts are in the laundry so you can wear this. Or you can just wear my shirt.."

"I-Is that a dress in your wardrobe?" Taehyung pointed out, and Jimin instantly closed the closet door. It was the dress that Yoongi and Jungkook had told him to wear to confess to Taehyung, and Jimin really didn't want to think about that right now.

"Here." Jimin tossed the gown over to Taehyung and jogged to his chiming phone. "Ayo, Yoongi, sup?"

"How'd it go with Taehyung?" He called loudly down the phone, and Jimin was pretty sure Taehyung must've heard. He didn't want him to think that they were talking shit about him, so he switched the phone onto speaker, and rested it on the desk.

"He's still here. Say hi to him." Jimin turned around to see Taehyung with half of his shirt off and turned his head back so fast that he probably could've snapped his neck.

"Hi Taehyung! Watcha guys doing without me then?" Jimin could hear the smirk in Yoongi's voice and he wanted to whack his phone against Yoongi's head.

"I-I'm stuck, Jimin...can..y-you-?" Taehyung's voice was all muffled and distorted due to the silky material half stuck above his head.

"Did you not untie the ribbon at the back?"


Jimin stifled his giggles and disguised it as a sigh, because he didn't want Taehyung to feel embarrassed. "One sec, Yoongi." Jimin mumbled, and turned around. Taehyung's legs were completely bare, and the gown had just about reached his thighs before it had gotten stuck and Jimin knew that there is no fucking way I can fight it now.

He placed his hands firmly above Taehyung's hips, and slowly led the boy backwards before his legs hit the hilt of the bed, and he touched down onto the soft covers with Jimin half straddling him.


"It's just so you don't get tired after straining yourself so much. I'll untie the ribbon." He told Taehyung, and Taehyung felt his skin burn against Jimin's warm fingers. Taehyung's shoulders tensed as Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck, and traced his fingers down to the silky strings.

Untie the ribbon, untie the ribbon, Jimin repeated the words in his mind over and over again. Just untie the ribbon. Don't scare Taehyung, just fucking stand up, and untie the ribbon.

Jimin pulled at one of the strings, and Taehyung exhaled as he felt the material loosen drastically around his head, and the lilac gown slid down with ease. Now Jimin's face was right next to Taehyung's. The boy had dangerously mussy hair, and his cheeks were tainted pink from being trapped in the dress for a while.

Jimin stood up. "All done." He turned around, so Taehyung couldn't see his worn out expression from holding on to his self-restraint so fucking firmly.

"Anyway, so 5am, kay Shrimp? I'll wait for you outside your place."

"Kay, see you then." Jimin disconnected the call and went through his texts for no apparent reason. "Taehyung, you want the bed? I can take the couch downstairs, or the floor or something."

"Y-You can...the bed..I'll just..."

"You're the guest, you take the bed." Jimin headed towards the door, not really wanting to stay in the room. He didn't want to think about Taehyung, let alone be in the same room as him. Taehyung was getting to his head a lot.

"Wait." Taehyung held a soft grip on Jimin's hand, and Jimin whizzed around. Taehyung looked so damn vulnerable in what he was wearing. "Both...of us...can take the bed..." He refused to make eye contact with Jimin, especially since he was wearing a damn night dress.

"Are you okay with that though?" Because I don't know if I'll be able to fucking sleep.

"Only if you are." Taehyung whispered. Jimin gradually nodded, and flicked the light switch off, though he left the door open slightly so if he were to end up doing anything, Taehyung could make an immediate run for it.

The two climbed into the bed from either side, and lay back. It was so quiet that Jimin was anxious to even breathe, and Taehyung obviously couldn't sleep. They both tried their best to embrace the silence, but it was too exhausting, and Jimin knew he needed to listen to music if he wanted to fall asleep.

Taehyung turned around so he was facing Jimin, and shuffled to the left slightly, and Jimin sneaked a glance at him. Taehyung's eyes were closed, yet he wasn't sleeping. 

"Taehyung?" Jimin murmured and turned his body fully to face Taehyung. Taehyung shook his head to show he was listening, though he didn't open his eyes. "Do you like your glasses so much that you wear them when you sleep?" 

Taehyung's eyes shot open, and he was just about able to make out Jimin's smirk in the dim light, and the glint in his eyes. No, Taehyung didn't usually wear his glasses when he slept. 

"Oh.." He mumbled, no wonder I felt a bit uncomfortable. He had his hands tucked beneath the pillow, and they were fairly heated up. He really didn't want to move.

So Jimin did it for him. Taehyung tilted his head slightly off the pillow, and Jimin reached out and slid the glasses out of his face with care. He leaned over Taehyung to place them by the nightstand. Their legs barely touched, but Taehyung could feel Jimin's warmth radiating off his body.

They glanced at each other, and Jimin cut short. Taehyung wasn't wearing his glasses, and now Jimin could really see his eyes. The ill-lit light from the corridor rebounded right into them, and they were rust-coloured. The hue of corroded fences, and crumbled railings, and Jimin couldn't move, and now Taehyung did something he didn't expect himself to do, but with the older looking at him like that, there was no way in hell he could've stopped himself.

He rested his hand on Jimin's neck, and tenderly snaked his fingers behind Jimin's ears. They were spellbound by one another. Taehyung brushed his thumb across Jimin's trembling lips. Jimin wanted to say something between 'Taehyung, I really like you'  to'please stop doing this to me', but he didn't know which it was, so he didn't speak at all. His logical process was very deranged, and all he could hear was Taehyung's tranquil breaths. 

One word was beginning to form, and Jimin knew what he was about to say when the tip of his tongue encountered his upper palate, and the first word of the sentence escaped his mouth.

"Taehyung." His breath coated Taehyung's thumb, and it sent shudders shooting through the other.

"Yeah?" Taehyung whispered back. He couldn't trust his voice at all. The boy he had a crush on for who knows how long had noticed him more than he dreamed of. He realised that when he saw the twinkle in Jimin's eyes.

"I..." Jimin's eyes flickered towards the door, and he abruptly latched himself away from Taehyung. What the fuck am I doing? Why... "N-Nothing. Goodnight." He stuttered out, and buried himself beneath the blankets. His heart was thudding against the mattress.

Taehyung lay dumbfounded as he thought about everything Jimin could have possibly said.


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