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"Is Taehyung wearing your hoodie?" Jungkook asked as he examined the oversized, black hood that almost covered all of Taehyung's eyes. Taehyung had to tilt his head up slightly to look at the others. They were all sat in Yoongi's car.

"Yeah, so what? He stayed over last night." Jimin mumbled.

"Define 'stayed over'." Yoongi smirked, and Hoseok glanced over at the frustrated Jimin.

"Fuck off, Yoongi. Anyway, where exactly are we going for breakfast? Are any cafes even open this early in the morning?"

"Who said anything about breakfast?"

Jungkook groaned, and shook his head.

"I fucking knew it! I knew it from the fucking moment your sorry ass told me the plans, where are we going?" Jimin yelled out.

"Wait and see."

"This is fucking illegal, Yoongi! You're holding us hostage!" Jimin sat up straight and tried to see a glimpse of Taehyung's face, but he couldn't, and that worried him. Taehyung looked very stiff where he was sat, and Jimin knew he had gotten him into something he shouldn't have.

"Do all of us have to go, Yoongi? Can you not take-"

"Jungkook, if you're in the car, you're in the car. If you don't want to be in the car, then get the fuck out of the car."

"Okay, I'll j-"

"Fucks' sake Jungkook, put your fucking seatbelt back on!"

"Are you guys always like this?" Hoseok shouted over the two. "Just listen to music then."

"Good idea." Yoongi exclaimed, and scowled at Jungkook who rolled his eyes in response.

"Save me from this broken heart~"

"What kind of sad ass music do you even listen to, Yoongi?" Hoseok felt chills just by listening to the lyrics. "All my love will slowly fade and fall apart~"

"It's good shit, Hoseok. Just listen to it."

"Taehyung?" Jimin whispered, and leaned closer to the unresponsive boy. "Are you okay?" Taehyung nodded his head quickly, and clenched his hands. "You're not." Jimin reached out and grabbed one of Taehyung's hands, and laced their fingers together. "Someone please, sing this lovesick melody~"

I'm sorry, Jimin wanted to say. I knew we weren't going to go out for breakfast, but I really wanted to invite you with us.

Taehyung nervously leaned his head against Jimin's shoulder, and he gently squeezed Jimin's hand in response to the comfort that the other was giving him. "Call my name if you're afraid, I'm just a kiss away~"

Jungkook was too busy staring out of the window in contemplation of the lyrics to notice the other two. He was thinking about other things too. Like the pills.

"We're going grave digging."

"What. The actual fuck, Yoongi."

"I'm kidding, sheesh. We're going to the cliff side. Just for the morning." And no one spoke.

"We lost what we started, and found out much more than we wanna know~"

Jimin tightened his grip on Taehyung's hand. "Yoongi, you know we can't fucking go there again, don't you remember what happened last time?"

"He's right, Yoongi. Just this once, can we not go there?" Hoseok added, and stared at the side of Yoongi's head. Jungkook turned to look at Yoongi who was already peering at him through the rear view mirror.

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