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Okay Park Jimin, pull yourself together now. You're the only one that has to put up with your own bullshit. Talk to him.

Taehyung slumped onto Jimin's bed and sank into the soft mattress, and wondered how on earth the boy actually slept there without his bed absorbing him.

"So, um.." Jimin sat down next to Taehyung making sure there was about half a metre's distance between them. "...how've you been?" He dared himself to look Taehyung in the eye, but Taehyung was too busy poking the bed covers with his index finger, and he watched how the creases led to the crown of his nails, and how when he moved his finger away, there were still traces left of his finger being there. Taehyung found it humorous, because that was how he felt in his heart when he was with Jimin. The feeling of Jimin always lingered on within him.

"Ah, yeah, me too." Jimin droned, and watched the boy ponder over she knows what.

"Y-You still," Taehyung pointed at the pair of glasses on Jimin's shelf that lay lonely by an empty milk carton. They were Taehyung's old glasses. "have those." His voice submersed into a whisper, and Jimin grinned.

"Obviously I do! They're fucking awesome, but mine suit you better, so yeah." Jimin was very content with his reply. Yeah I fucking hope you're returning back to normal with him, stupid Park Jimin.

Taehyung breathed out a soft laugh that seemed to send a light twinkling in Jimin's chestnut eyes. Taehyung noticed. He noticed everything.

Jimin looked away immediately, and grabbed his tangled earphones from beside his pillow to hide the sudden tension. "Hey, can you untangle these? I was trying to this morning, but the wire is just fucking attached to itself too much."

Taehyung smiled, and took the earphones, and instantly began to examine the knot. Jimin is talking to me again. Everything is going to be okay.

It was right there. At the tip of Jimin's tongue, and he wanted to ask so fucking bad. "You have a radio channel, right?" The words were as tangled as his earphones though. He couldn't say them.

"Hey Taehyung. We're all going out for breakfast tomorrow, want to come with?" He asked, and wished Taehyung knew how much courage it took him to.

"B-But, we have school."

"Yeah, so make sure you're up by 5am. It's going to be an extra early breakfast." And that mischievous smile hung on Jimin's lips like he was the devil himself. Taehyung didn't want to refuse the offer, but he knew no good was going to come from accepting it.

He pursed his lips, and nodded, and Jimin threw his hands up in the air.

"Okay! 5am, yeah? Don't forget." He beamed, and he was so caught up in the moment, his mind was so full of Kim Taehyung, that he seemed to forget everything else. For a few seconds, he even thought, fuck it. I'll confess. Right here. He knew that was one hell of a dangerous thought, but with Taehyung staring right back at him, Jimin just wanted to lean forward.

"You're..." Taehyung's eyes trailed down to Jimin's hands, and he wanted to hold them the way they had held hands when they were running out of Hoseok's schools' gates. It was all so...magical-

"I'm?" Taehyung returned his concentration to the earphones and shook his head. You're sparkling, Jimin. Taehyung scratched the nape of his neck, and his hood slowly slipped back, revealing a glimpse of his delicate crimson hair, and Jimin had no restraint for that.

"Oh my god I just love your hair so much, Taehyung!" The words shot out of Jimin's mouth like bullets by speed but petals by impact, and Taehyung felt his heart churn, because he wasn't used to Jimin saying things like that. Jimin always lived in the moment if it was possible. Well, he tried his best to, anyway. He lived by 'no regrets'.

Taehyung meant to yank his hood right over his head again, but he tilted his head back to allow it to fully slip off, and Jimin gulped because shit, his neck, I can't- he snapped out of it though, and cursed his sober thoughts for being so blunt.

Jimin shuffled closer to Taehyung with lightly clenched hands, and slowly reached forward. He hesitated for a few seconds, because the flaming colour looked burning to the touch. Taehyung's gentle, warm locks captured the light in a way that sent Jimin's heart into a frenzy. "Shit." Jimin breathed. He was so immersed into the texture that he didn't realise by every second, he was edging closer and closer to the completely frozen Taehyung.

"It's like...a burnt sunset or something...your hair..." Jimin murmured, and his breath glazed the tip of Taehyung's ears-

"Jimin, do you or Taehyung want anyth-" Jimin's mother halted dead in her tracks as she saw Jimin jump away from a flushed Taehyung, and eyed the boys carefully. That was when Jimin noticed how uncomfortable Taehyung looked too.

"I swear, it's not what you-"

"You, downstairs, now." She pointed at Jimin who huffed and shamefully waved at Taehyung. Taehyung clenched his shirt in the hopes that his heart would stop beating so damn fast, but to no result. His emotions were all over the place when he thought about what maybe could have happened if they weren't interrupted.

"Mum! We're not together!" Jimin snatched two milk cartons out of the fridge, and pouted at his mother who was stood by the kitchen counter with crossed arms.

"Oh, come off it. He's so your boyfriend, isn't he? You can tell me, you know."

"He's not!"

"You're dating."

"We're not!"

"You've kissed, then?"

"We've-" Her question caught him by surprise, and Jimin wasn't really one to lie.

"Have you!? Shit, Park Jimin! You got yourself a cute one, you know."

"Ugh, mum." Jimin whined and turned around in an attempt to hide his growing blush.

"He has nice hair. You should dye yours if you want to. Anyway though, I called you downstairs to let you know your dad is going to visit tomorrow. He'll be here after school so make sure you're home on time, okay?"

"My dad?" Jimin scoffed, and trudged up the stairs. "I don't remember having one."

Jimin entered his bedroom to see Taehyung still sat in the same startled position he was in before, and he tossed him a milk carton. "Catch." He closed the door behind him, and walked over to the bed once again.

Taehyung lifted his arms in front of his head as the carton hit him with a tiny thump, and he squealed, causing Jimin to burst out laughing. "I told you to catch it." He flashed a bright smile before picking the carton off the ground and handing it to Taehyung.

"Can..." Jimin looked at the hesitant boy. "C-Can I umm...stay over tonight? I-I mean, it's just...my brother's friend is staying over s-so I thought it would be..uhh, convenient if...if I umm, stay elsewhere."

"Yeah! You can stay over! I'll just go let my mum know, okay?" Jimin shot up and ran to the door, almost tripping over his own two feet.

"Wait, Jimin!" Taehyung half shouted, and Jimin's hand rested on the door handle. "I missed you." He whispered, loud enough for Jimin to hear.

"I..." Jimin peered down at the trashcan that stood by the door, and his eyes landed on a empty container of Pringles, and he swore that the face printed on it was smiling at him. "I missed you too, Taehyung." He admitted quietly before opening the door and jogging right down the stairs.

okay, I just wanted to say that Mr. Kim ain't Kim Seokjin if any of yous were thinking that. Kim Seokjin is le friend of Kim Namjoon kayyy.
Mr. Kim is just Mr. Kim. It can be Kim Minseok if ya want. mehh, you go wild and decide.
ALSO, OMg !!!1! lmao i feel like crying bc my life is so unproductive.

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