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Taehyung sighed and neatly folded the wire of his headphones. He had finished recording the podcasts that he'd be able to air on his radio channel whilst he would be at school, because that would probably be more convenient and increase his audience, plus he wouldn't have to stay cooped up in his bedroom all the time.

Taehyung had gotten better a week ago, and Jimin didn't visit him even once. He didn't know whether he should have felt worried or not. Taehyung had tried calling him after saving his number from when he had called, but Jimin didn't ever answer the phone.

"What's up?" Namjoon drawled as he entered Taehyung's room. Taehyung only shoved his hood over his head, because he really didn't want to talk to anyone. "Tae, if you're done recording, do you want to watch a movie or something?" Taehyung shook his head without another word, and Namjoon sighed. "What's with you? You're not usually like this at home. It's exceptional when you're out because we're all used to it, but mum and dad are getting worried."

"I'm just tired."

"Tired? Of what?" Namjoon languidly strolled to the edge of the boy's bed, and wiped the sheets clean of creases.

"It doesn't matter. Please, just..I'll talk to you later." Taehyung stood up, and headed towards the door where a tall figure seemed to be hovering, but Taehyung didn't recognise him, and assumed he was one of Namjoon's friends. "I'm going out." Taehyung blurted, stunning even himself with those sudden words.

"O-Okay, don't be out for too long." Namjoon hesitated, and watched him as he slammed the door shut behind him.

Taehyung pulled out his phone, and instantly dialed Jungkook's number. If there was one person Taehyung felt comfortable with being around, it was definitely Jungkook.

"Hello? Taehyung?" Jungkook answered, and Taehyung lightly huffed out.

"Y-Yeah, it's me. Umm, I.." And he trailed off as he realised he didn't even know why he called Jungkook. "H-How's Jimin?" He tried to speak nonchalantly, but it didn't work.

"Oh..I don't really know. I text him every now and then, but I haven't seen him for a few days, not even around school. He's probably at home though. Do you..want me to take you there?" Jungkook bit his lip. His words were a big, dangerous gamble, and if Taehyung did see Jimin, it really could do things to the boy. But Jungkook also didn't want to leave it as it was now.

"Y-Yeah. If you're not too busy." Taehyung smiled at the thought of seeing Jimin again. Jimin had a pixie complex; there was something magical always radiating off his words and gestures.

"Okay, I'll be there in five- Wait, I can't drive. Damn it. Yoongi's here though, but he probably won't take us.." Jungkook laughed to set the tension at ease for himself. Yoongi wouldn't take them because he wouldn't approve at all. Though Taehyung only thought that he wouldn't take them because he didn't want to.

"It's okay. I'll take the bus, or walk." Taehyung enthused. "Bye for now." He quickly hung the phone up and shoved it in his pocket. In truth, he didn't want to walk at all, nor did he want to hang around by the house, so he decided to wander anywhere his legs would take him.

He tucked his hands into his pockets, and with one step at a time, he headed forward, staring at the way his feet were sometimes not completely vertical as he walked, and trying his best to make them that way. He just wanted a distraction.

"MY ANGEL-hic" Taehyung suddenly felt an arm snake around his waist and tug him closer, and he was about to push away, until he saw who it was.

"J-Jimin?! Where..w-what..are you drunk, Jimin?" His mind became confounded with questions that he wanted to know the answers to, but he couldn't ask them all at once. He was too mesmerized by the pretty face that was so close to his. 

Jimin's cheeks were tainted a light red, and his lips were parted ever so slightly as he chewed on a straw..

"W-Why are you chewing a straw?"

"Because I'm-hic your cowboy!" He giggled, and slapped his hand over his mouth with no other sign of regret on his face, then he abruptly leaned closer again. "You can be my cowgirl." He whispered, followed by a loud hiccup that sent Taehyung staggering back. "Look-hic, you're blushing!" Jimin pointed at Taehyung's cheek, and pressed his finger on it.

Taehyung felt the heat grow darker at his cheeks, and looked away. He didn't know whether to be absolutely overjoyed at the fact that Jimin was there, or very angry at the fact that he was drunk, and he wouldn't talk seriously.

"We should get you home, and talk later. You're not even allowed to drink, stupid." Taehyung murmured, but Jimin wasn't listening. He was in a complete trance because holy fucking shit damn Taehyung is looking so fucking edible right now and his red hair is super sexy god I can't resist. "Jimin." Taehyung drawled, trying to get him to snap out of it.

Jimin slowly traced his finger lower down Taehyung's cheek, until it dipped near his jawline. "You're-hic my angel, but.." Taehyung felt a lump form in his throat at seeing Jimin so hesitant. "..angels are supposed to-hic protect people." Jimin vigorously nodded at his statement. And his toxic mood swing kicked in.

"Hey, Jimin, let's go somewhere more secluded, okay?" Taehyung tried to place his hand on Jimin's shoulder, but Jimin brushed it off.

"You were-hic supposed to protect me! It's stupid if I go looking-hic for my own angel-" And his voice cracked, and Taehyung's heart cracked.

There were no streetlamps that were switched on, nor was the sun out, but Jimin's tears twinkled so painfully vividly, that Taehyung swore they might trigger his own, because he had never, in his entire life, ever, seen Jimin frown, or even cry.

"Jimin.." He whispered, and hooked his thumb under his sleeve so he could wipe Jimin's tears away.

"Why does it have to be you!?" Jimin suddenly yelled, and shoved Taehyung away again, but Taehyung clutched tightly onto Jimin's arms because he was unstable, and too fragile to feel so much hurt. "I...hic, I don't understand!"

"Jimin, please calm-"

"What's so special about you-hic to me?! You're not special!" Jimin sobbed, then placed his hand over his chest. "But it hurts here when I say that! So-hic what is it about you?! Tell me! Taehyung-"

"Jimin!" Taehyung yelled back, and clasped his arms around Jimin's neck. Was Jimin always that warm? He made Taehyung feel such a strong fervent desire when he was around him. How was he supposed to calm Jimin down? How was he supposed to calm himself down?

The leaves rustled as the wind gently picked up, and Taehyung smiled. The best way to calm the two of them down, was simply a divine way.

He leaned in, and pressed his lips against Jimin's. His lips were blazing, and moist, and Taehyung savoured the taste even though it was grazed with strong alcohol, but he could still find the traces of Jimin within it. His heart leapt so fiercely, and his body felt like it was going to melt any second. Jimin tasted like Jimin. 

And the best part of it all for Taehyung was that Jimin kissed him back.

double updateu because I haven't updated forever~ xoxo
I hope you like it my cheetos

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