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"Where...Jimin, who did this to you?" Jimin's mother frowned and lightly passed her thumb over a tiny cut beneath Jimin's eye.

"I see you're taking great care of him." Jimin's father mumbled, and Jimin clenched his hands tightly.

"What exactly was your fucking purpose in visiting us? Don't you already have another family?"

Jimin's father scoffed. "You're just like your mother aren't you? Constantly spitting out profanities. You have no sense of punctuality either. My son is the complete opposite of you."

"How dare you enter this house to cause a fucking ruckus like this?! You said you wanted to see him!" Jimin's mother stood protectively in front of Jimin who felt like he couldn't hold his anger in any longer. Taehyung was waiting outside. Jimin didn't want him to have to come in. "If you already have another family, why the fuck are you here?!"

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? Jimin has a half brother."

"His half brother doesn't know about him though, does he!? You.." She pointed her finger at him stiffly. "You think you can just make things happen and everyone will be okay with it? Jimin and I are fine the way we are, without you, and without a half brother. I thought it would be best for Jimin if he got to see you today, I thought it would remind him that if he ever needed that father figure in his life, he still has you to turn to! But he doesn't, does he?"

"I guess not."

"Just get out. Leave." She lowered her head, and felt Jimin lay a hand on her shoulder. Jimin's father stormed past the two of them and slammed the door on his way out which completely startled Taehyung. The boy jumped back a little and met eyes with the man at the door.

"Oh, Taehyung? What're you doing out here?" Taehyung didn't know him, yet he didn't know why he looked so familiar too.

"Oh...I-I'm just one of Jimin's friends."

"Ah. Well, I'll be leaving. You should drop by with Namjoon once in a while. He gets along very well with Seokjin these days."

"I-I'll see." Seokjin's father...was Jimin's father too? Taehyung waved politely at the man as he walked away and entered the house. "Jimin?- Oh..." Jimin's mother was in tears. The kind of tears where you're trying really hard to suppress them, but it's impossible.

"It's okay. We don't need him." Jimin soothed and embraced her, and Taehyung kept his head low. It was a family matter that he had intruded, so he didn't want to interrupt more than he already had. Jimin met eyes with Taehyung and pursed his lips. I'm going home, Taehyung mouthed, and lifted his hand near his chest to give Jimin a little wave.

Jimin wanted Taehyung to stay, but family was important, and his mother needed him. Jimin gave a quick, forced smile and watched as Taehyung left the house.

"I'm sorry." Jimin's mother sniffed. "I forgot how much of a fucktard your dad was." Jimin snorted, and wiped the shimmering streaks away from beneath her eyes. "Did someone hurt you, Jimin? Did you get into a fight?"

"It's a long story. Don't worry though, I didn't hold much of a strength and just let myself get beaten up for the sake of Taehyung's safety..." The last few words dragged out as Jimin realised himself why he was in severe physical pain.

"You tried to endure a beating for the sake of Taehyung?"

"Y-Yeah...Mum, I think I like Taehyung. I like him a lot." Jimin looked down at his mother's delicate hands, and brushed his thumb over her fingernails. They were oddly smooth, and it brought him comfort. "I don't know how to tell him. He has a radio channel too. I think because of school, he pre-records it or something, so it's available as a podcast, I don't really know, but yeah."

"I knew you liked him from the start." She remarked in a teasing tone that made Jimin's face flush in embarrassment. "It's okay to love someone, Jimin. Don't keep him waiting for too long, because I'm sure he feels the same way. I can tell by the way you two are." She ruffled Jimin's hair and sighed. "I'm going to shower. Don't pick at your scars, okay? Get some rest. I'll see you in the morning." She placed a warmhearted kiss on the boy's forehead, and walked off.

Jimin followed behind her until he took a turn to his own room, and he lay on the floor again. Taehyung's old glasses were in his reach, and he slipped them over his eyes. "He's probably airing one of his podcasts, right?" He mumbled, as he slipped an earphone into his ear, and switched the radio on.

"...just something that's been on my mind a lot." Taehyung's fluent, deep voice filled Jimin's mind and he smiled. I really should listen to these more often when I miss Taehyung. "If...someone were to ever confess to you, how exactly would you react? If you liked them the same way then obviously you'd be happy, right? If you didn't like them the same way, how would you reject them? With lies? "Oh, I'm sorry, I like someone else." "Oh, the feeling isn't mutual, my bad." Would you be blunt, or try to be really considerate about it?" Jimin listened very attentively to every word, and felt himself drifting off to sleep.

"My point is though, if you were in that situation, where you don't like someone who confesses to you, you should try it out at first. You may not be in love with the person, but when that person were to look at you lovingly, chances are, you'd fall for them if you haven't so already. And every single time they'd look at you like that, you'll fall for them over and over again. I know what unrequited love is like. I've been in an unrequited love for over a year, and still I just haven't had the guts to confess to the person yet." Jimin's eyes shot wide open, and he felt something crumble up inside him. Taehyung was in love with someone? Is he still in love with that person?


What was Taehyung's type?

He'd liked someone for over a year?

Am I too late now?

"We've been getting closer lately. I wish I could speak to him normally, and tell him all about myself. My favourite colour is any pastel colour really. I look shady sometimes, but I'm not. I really like strawberries. I enjoy reading books. I'm pretty observant, but I hate it when I'm observed. I prefer winter, and rainy days. I dyed my hair red because I wanted a drastic change. I'm in love with the pair of glasses he gave me."

Jimin gasped. Glasses? I...that was me...

"I don't like talking about myself though, but I feel like I want to tell him everything there is to know about. I wish it was as easy as it sounds to confess to someone. Some of you guys have been through it too, right? Maybe if he listened to this podcast, he'd know, but it's not that easy. He doesn't know that it exists. He doesn't know I have this side to me. I'm always tripping over my words around him, around everyone..." Silence filled the void in the room, and Jimin didn't even realise he was clenching his shirt.

"It's 11:11!" Taehyung suddenly squealed, and Jimin tugged at his shirt, because it was so difficult to breathe right now. "Close your eyes, and make a wish." He whispered, seeming in a sudden giddy mood. Jimin couldn't close his eyes though. Instead, he listened to Taehyung's wish.

"I wish the one I love will love me back one day. It might be far-fetched, but it's 11:11, so what does it matter? Anyways, this next song is called Amazing, by Matt Cardle. I bid you all goodnight with this. You've been listening to 98.2, V FM up until now. Sweet dreams."

Jimin wanted to cry tears of joy,
and he did. He was sensitive like that. In the midst of his sobs, he managed to choke out the words,

"Your wish has been heard, loud and clear, Taehyung."

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