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"Our boy has some explaining to do~" Hoseok cooed, and Jimin rolled his eyes. "So, this Taehyung." He began, and Yoongi propped himself up on the couch. Jungkook was sat beside him petting his hair and not paying attention to the others in the room.

"Why do I have to explain this? I really don't know shit myself!" Jimin whined, and whacked his hands onto his thighs in annoyance. Taehyung was still feeling unwell, and the last time he had visited him was actually two days ago. Jimin missed Taehyung a lot, but he wouldn't ever admit to it.

"Jimin.." Yoongi started, and stared at the boy with a contemplative expression on his face. Even Jungkook turned to Jimin with a tiny pout playing on his lips, wondering why he was getting Yoongi's attention right now. "There's something..I think..." Yoongi continued to murmur to himself whilst everyone was trying to decipher what exactly he was trying to say.

"I agree." Hoseok stated, nodding towards Yoongi, and Jimin looked at him in disbelief.

"Agree with fucking what? He just blabbed some random shit."

"I know what he's trying to say." Hoseok remarked, and turned to Yoongi again. "How do we tell him?"

"Jungkook, get the ice cream." Yoongi announced. "Hoseok, there's candy in one of the kitchen cupboards. Grab that." 

Hoseok hurried off to the kitchen, followed by Jungkook. "And get some tissues!" Yoongi called out.

"What is happening?" Jimin droned, and crossed his arms. "Yoongi hyung, please just tell me what it is so I can go home. Please~" Jimin chimed, then placed his finger on his cheek and threw his best smile at Yoongi. "Oh, pretty please~"

"Don't hyung me you little bitch." Yoongi gave him a smug glare, and the boy just exhaled and rested his hands by his side. All he wanted to do was see Taehyung, but instead, they were all at Yoongi's house.

Jimin suddenly lit up when he realised he had Taehyung's number after Jungkook had given it to him, though Yoongi eyed Jimin curiously when he saw the sudden twinkle in his eyes. "What are you thinking of doing?" Yoongi inquired.

"Give me two seconds, okay? I'm just going to call Taehyung-"

"Got it!" Jungkook interrupted, and waddled into the room, balancing together a box of tissues, a huge tub of ice cream with 4 plastic spoons, and a packet of cashew nuts for himself which he had probably found in one of the kitchen cupboards. Hoseok followed in behind him with a few bags of candy, and Jimin whacked his hand on his head several times.

"Okay. Let's sit in a circle." Yoongi slid onto the floor, and the others gradually co-operated.

"Seriously, just tell me! What the fuck is this? Are we summoning Satan with ice cream and candy?"

"No, you stupid ass midget." Yoongi sighed, and threw Hoseok a bored look.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on because I still don't know." Jungkook added, and Yoongi waved his hands in the air to gain everyone's attention.

"Okay, listen up. I will only say this once, Jimin, and then we'll never bring it up ever again." 

Hoseok grinned and opened the ice cream tub. The lid flaked off with ease, and a delightful sight of raspberry ripple ice cream sparked into view. Red, pink and white colours were appealingly swirled together, and they glistened with tiny specks of ice.

"You won't be ready for what he has to say." Hoseok added, and shuffled back slightly so Jimin could see Yoongi properly and sit comfortably.

"Park Jimin." Yoongi declared, and yanked a tissue out of the tissue box, handing it to him.

"Yes?" He droned, and took the tissue.

"You will not take this lightly, Jimin. Please prepare yourself." Hoseok dug a spoon into the tub and all four of them watched it slowly sink in, before Hoseok scooped some out.

"Go for it."

Jungkook watched them in absolute confusion and wondered why he was even there.

"Park Jimin." Yoongi looked at the boy dead in the eyes. "You have unquestionably gone out of your way, without your own awareness, and you have fallen very hopelessly in love with Kim Taehyung."

Jungkook felt his lips slowly curl up into a smile. So that's what it was. He remembered the night Jimin was out of his mind because of excessive alcohol, he knew about Jimin's feelings after hearing everything the boy had spouted. He first knew since the moment Jimin had slapped his hand away from touching Taehyung's hair.

Hoseok gave Jimin absolutely no time to react, and shoved the ice cream into Jimin's mouth. Yoongi didn't take his eyes off Jimin, because Jimin really wouldn't take it lightly.

"mffmfffmfmfmm." Jimin stated.

"I think we only just clicked on with realisation, but you probably had been hoarding your feelings since you met him." Hoseok replied.

"Wait, how-"

"It doesn't matter. Keep feeding him ice cream. Don't let him speak." Yoongi muttered.

"Why not?" Jungkook questioned, and looked at Jimin again. It was only then that he actually noticed Jimin's eyes welling up with tears, and he quietly gasped, because he never knew it was that serious. Don't let him speak, because if he speaks, Park Jimin will horrendously burst into tears.

Jimin didn't know what to think or feel. The word 'love' was so foreign to him. He knew he liked Taehyung, but love? That was too much. His feelings would destroy their friendship, and Jimin valued their friendship more than anything. 

He always joked about it or brushed it off; the fact that he might have secretly liked Taehyung more than he should, and that funny feeling he got at the pit of his stomach when they were together. Yoongi had said it now though. Hoseok had said it too, which meant it was noticeable. It meant his feelings weren't just a blip, they were real.

Yoongi was serious about the matter. He really was. He knew Jimin would react like that, and he knew that Jimin himself didn't know what his feelings meant.

"It's okay, Jimin. Just take it slowly." Hoseok soothed him. Yoongi sat there awkwardly for a while, but then shuffled in front of Jimin and gave his shoulder a squeeze. 

Jimin gulped thickly and pushed Hoseok's hand away lightly. He didn't want to eat anything, because he was afraid he would puke it all out.

A tiny whimper escaped his lips, and hot tears streaked down his cheeks.

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