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"Why do you look like you choked on your breakfast this morning?" Jungkook questioned while examining Jimin's face in curiosity. Jimin adjusted his backpack and sighed because he had the biggest headache and he didn't remember much from yesterday except the fact that he had been with Taehyung at one point, but even that was a blur.

"I got too drunk last night, but whatever. Where's Yoongi today?"

"Oh, umm that I don't know." Jungkook murmured, and subtly turned away from Jimin when he tried to look at him.

"..Nothing's happened, right?"

"Oh, no, it's not like that. I really don't know. He wasn't at his apartment this morning. I even used the extra key he gave me because I thought he slept in, but he wasn't there at all. He didn't even leave a note or tell me beforehand." Jungkook frowned and watched as a pair of birds settled on a branch by some willow tree at the bus stop. He missed Yoongi, and it had barely been half a day since they last saw each other.

"Don't worry you thickhead. He's probably visiting his parents." Jimin patted Jungkook's back and exhaled loudly for the nth time.

"By the way, your vulgar language has gotten somewhat weak in a good way. Like, you've not been swearing much. I'm proud of you!" Jungkook decided to distract himself as they waited for the bus, though someone caught his eye. "Oh, Namjoon?"

"Namjoon?" Jimin glanced in the direction he was looking at, and saw Taehyung's brother. "Oh, Kim Namjoon. Wait, you know him?"

"Well, yeah, he's Taehyung's brother." Jungkook said, and walked over to the older boy leaving Jimin slightly confused. If Jungkook knew Taehyung, it meant he actually hung out with him at some point, but Jimin didn't remember either of them mentioning anything about that. Not that he was jealous or anything...

"Hey Jungkook, Jimin." Namjoon beamed, and waved at them. "I'm looking for Taehyung. He left his phone at home this morning. Have you seen him?"

"He probably managed to catch the earlier bus. I can give it to him at school if you want." Jungkook extended his hand out, and Namjoon smiled.

"No, uhh, is it okay if I do it?" Jimin mumbled. He wanted to speak to Taehyung about yesterday, and ask him if he knew anything. Yes, he had been avoiding him, but he just wanted to see him again.

"Are you sure?" Jungkook took the phone, and handed it to Jimin. "I can do it if you want."

"It's okay. I think I need to speak to him anyway." Jimin slid the phone into the pocket of his jeans.

"Alright then. I'll see you two later sometime. And thanks, I guess." Namjoon grinned, and took his leave.

For the first time in a while, silence drifted between Jimin and Jungkook as they boarded the bus and took a seat. Jungkook had his mind filled with thoughts of Yoongi, and how just yesterday he had confessed to him. He was terrified to a great extent about how Yoongi would react, but Yoongi didn't seem to consider that Jungkook was being completely serious. He didn't want to mull over how maybe Yoongi's random disappearance was his fault.

And Jimin, well, he didn't know what was wrong with himself. He had recalled that yesterday, at some point, his face had been so close to Taehyung's, and he was very desperate in asking what exactly happened between them.
And he was finally hoping to settle his feelings.

"Kay Jimin, I'll see you later. Have fun in class." Jungkook plastered an empty smile on his face and waved, then headed off in his own direction.

Jimin didn't bother going to class, he went straight to the library with the hopes that Taehyung would be there,
but Taehyung wasn't there, and Jimin waited.

He waited for the whole day.

"What's with you?" A deep voice from behind startled him.

"Mr. Kim? U-umm.."

"Where'd all your confidence disappear off to? And why haven't you been attending any of my classes? Is something bothering you?" He gestured for Jimin to sit at the desk with him, and Jimin shamefully followed. He did feel bad about not attending some of his classes since his peers were friendly and kind to him, and Mr. Kim always put in lots of effort in attempting to make him understand his weak points in Math.

"I'm fine." He didn't even want to put up a fight with his teacher today.

"Park Jimin, your definition of fine, and fine as a definition are clearly not the same. I won't pressure you into telling me anything, but please could you start attending my classes again? You're falling behind, and it's not going to be of any benefit when you're going to be taking finals next year. Here." He pulled out a few sheets of paper from the top of his stack, and slid them over to Jimin.

"What's this?"

"It's some questions on today's Math lesson with Taehyung's notes. He told me to give them to you, and that you were in the library." Jimin slowly nodded, because that was very kind of Taehyung, but he felt slightly crestfallen too. Taehyung knew Jimin was in the library, but why didn't he approach him? "What exactly are you hiding from?" Mr. Kim uttered under his breath and stood up, not expecting Jimin to have heard him.

"My feelings. Mr. Kim, I don't know how I feel about someone, because I've not had feelings like this in a long time." Jimin didn't know what had possessed him to say that to his teacher, but he said it. His teacher strangely had a mother-like aura surrounding him in a warm way.

"Oh?" He examined Jimin as the boy gently flicked through the papers he had been given, but he wasn't really reading anything. All he was thinking was that maybe he should replace his trashcan with Mr. Kim instead. "I have a meeting, but can I talk to you about this later?" Jimin quietly nodded, and sighed as company left him alone once again.

He didn't like being such a mood killer. He didn't like that it was Taehyung who was making him feel like that, but he couldn't blame it all on him.

"Jimin?" He heard fast footsteps from behind, and turned around to see a breathless Kim Taehyung bowed over, pressing his hands against his knees as he caught his breath. "I...thought you had gone home. I need to speak to you." He rushed out, and quickly slid onto the same chair that Jimin was sat on, making him shuffle away slightly.

"Wait, Taehyung, I.." I missed you, he wanted to cry out, and hug the being in front of him. It had been ages since he got to see Taehyung, or hear his voice in soberness. "Just, wait.."

He stared, and he didn't care that he was staring. He examined every single piece of Taehyung from his soft hair to his black piercings to his crystal eyes. "Where've you been?" Jimin whispered, and laughed flatly.

"Jimin, do you remember yesterday?" Taehyung avoided the question completely.

"I don't, I really don't remember a thing."

"Jimin, I-I wanted to be the one to tell you instead of you remembering it yourself because you might have gotten the wrong idea." The wrong idea being that Taehyung wasn't taking advantage of a drunk Jimin, and when he kissed him, he meant it. Taehyung glanced at Jimin's stunned eyes.

The wrong idea, Jimin thought, and then realised. Of course Taehyung wouldn't like him like that. "Yeah, I have something to tell you too." Jimin shot up, and wafted Taehyung's math notes in front of his face, giving them back to him. "I don't need these. And I.." There was no way in hell he could say it to Taehyung's wide eyes, so he turned his back on him. "I don't like you. I don't need you. I never really did. Don't hang out with me and the other boys anymore."

And he walked out, leaving Taehyung snapped in two.

Taehyung was just hot. Nothing else. Jimin drilled that thought into his mind the best he could.

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