chapter 13

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Cas bus arrived around noon at the station. The bus slowed down and stopped perfectly at the sidewalk. The motor went out and the rest of the passengers started to collect their stuff. But not Cas. He needed a moment to realize that he really made it. He really was in the town. To slow his beating heart down, he breathed in and out a few deep times. All the terrible hours he had to sit quietly in the bus which smelled like onions and human breath.

With the old lady who didn't know that there was no need to yell at the phone or the man behind him who snorted louder as the motor. Or the young girl who told him her tragic love story. Actually, Alex was nice. He hoped Brandon would apologize to her. 

When he finally stepped out,  a warm breeze welcomed him, caring the street noises and the smell of ... well the city. It wasn't uncomfortable. This city was bigger than the last one, were he left Dean. But also wider in his streets and buildings. It was full but not crowded. He liked it. Students were walking around. The campus must be close then. He had the urge to ran to it and start looking for Dean.

But first Cas had to find a place to refresh and maybe sleep. The bus driver listened him a couple of hotels, Cas thanked him and went exploring the city.  

Luckily, he found a cheep hotel room near Campus. Now, alone in the dark Cas was nervous again. What now? Where should he start to look? and how did he knew that Dean was here yet? He kinda hoped he would meet him excitedly somehow in the city. Maybe it was naive and stupid. Maybe the hole thing was naive and stupid. But Cas had at least to try. That was what Claire told him.


Sam had classes the next day, so Dean went sightseeing the city. He hadn't really a plan, he was just walking around, humming a tune and making notes in between.

When he saw a very familiar shape.

First, Dean thought he was day-dreaming, he blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't making stuff up or confuse him for someone else. But there he stood. Cas. In his plaid shirt, his ribbed Jeans, with his dark hair, holding a city map. It was him.

Dean shoved block and pencil into his backpocket and walked over. Cas didn't notice him until Dean touched his shoulder. He turned around and froze, his blue eyes widened in surprise.

How could it be? Dean thought. The last time he saw him was in a town miles away and now he stood right in front of him with his blue eyes and bright smile, he thought never seeing again. But here he was. Totally real.

"Cas?" Dean asked, still not convinced that fortune was with him this time.

"Dean. Hi" Cas smile was so bright, like the frigging sun. 

"But... what are you doing here?" Dean asked. Something must have lead him here. Accidents didn't happen.

Cas blushed "actually... i came here for you. I was looking for you" He avoided eye contact, knowing that sounded like he was a stalker.

"Me? Really?" Dean was baffled. Nobody did something like that for him before. He never was important enough to people like that before (except Sam). He pulled Cas in a bear hug. After a second of surprise, Cas hugged back. It felt so good. Now he knew he was right. Now he knew everything was going to be fine. 

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