part 11

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"Come on Dean, you promised" said Sam through the phone.

Dean was still in the town when his brother called, asking what made him take so Long. The elder Winchester was sitting in a bar he found when his phone suddenly rang and the number of the younger one appeared. Dean watched the phone ringing for a while until he decided to pick up. And let a wave of reproaches and questions come over him.

"I know" Dean responded. Drinking the last sip of his beer.

"You can't hang out there till you die. If he is not there, where is the Point in staying? The Chances that meet your Lover again in the same City are lower than to meet him again by Chance" Sam tried to convince his brother by making Statements up. It wasn't good for Dean to suffer in this town in the middle of nowhere.

"And i miss you" Sam added after the way to Long silence on Deans side.

"Okay" Dean sighed. Why were Sammys arguments always so good? He knew that his brother was right. But love doesn't play after rules of logic.

"And he is not my Lover" he added mumbling.

"Sure" Dean could see the bitchface right before his inner eyes   "as Long you come" Sam said.

"I get in the car in one Minute"

"Maybe you should take a nap first and be sober before you sit behind a wheel" Sam recommended.

Dean rolled his eyes but agreed to the Terms. He missed his brother too. It was way to Long since the last time but Dean was normally on tour all the time. But he didn't feel to see someone after Cas left him. He wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. But maybe it would help to have Company. To do stuff with his brother and get distracted.

It was not like he had to be somewhere else. Or with someone else.

The next morning, like he promised, Dean got in the Impala and finally left the town behind. The Highway looked like an old friend to him, who welcomed him with open arms. Dean thought after a while he would acclimatize to be alone again. Like he always did. But somehow he couldn't.

Dean never realized how silent it was. It filled the Car from the Driver seat to the trunk. There was nothing but the steady Sound of the Motor.

And how big the Car was. It was so huge, with no one else inside. So empty.

When Dean couldn't take it longer he rummaged around in the glove locker to get an empty tape. He pulled said tape into the Player and started recording.

After a while Dean hummed. Then he drummed with his fingers a beat on the wheel while driving and started singing.


Cas in the bus was excited like a child on his first trip to Disney land.

He would see him again. He would look in these bright green eyes again, would hear his voice again, would be Close to him again.

And then what?

Should he ran to him like in a Disney movie, lift him up and kiss him? Just the idea of it was to cheesy, even for him. ( he still liked it so)

But then what? should he say "hello, nice to see you again, how are you doing?"

No, he was better than that.

"Woah what are the Odds! You? here? wouldn't come to my mind."

Just the thought of this very awkward conversation could have killed him.

But he had to find Dean first. Cas knew in which town he would be but not when or where exactly. He couldn't hang out at the Campus all day, like a Freak, waiting for Dean. Or could he? no that was absurd.

To keep his mind away from ridiculous thoughts, Cas got his sketch book out and started drawing. Line by line Dean appeared on the paper. He memorized Deans face so well that it was no Problem to draw him out of memory. He had him right before his inner eyes. The Sharpe, oval shape of his face, his brown short hair, spiky on top, the shape of his nose, of his eyebrows, his way-to-sexy-cheekbones, these bright emerald green eyes and the shape of his curved swollen lips.

Lips, he really wanted to kiss.

(AN: well hello there. Thank you for still reading this.

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