part 3

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They woke up around the same time the next morning.

"You slept well? Hope it wasn't to unconformable." Dean greeted him, stretching.

"Don't worry, i'm used to much worse stuff. In comparison this is a 5 star hotel" Cas said, straighten up. He ruffled through his messy hair, watching the other man waking up. Cas guessed that he stared longer than normally at Dean. He turned his head, blushing slightly. But Dean didn't notice.

Luckily they found a gas station an hour drive later. With a cafe next to it.

a friendly, chubby woman greeted them and placed to cups of coffee right in front of them, before they could even say "hello".

"Morning boys. You guys look like you need some proper food. Let me make you a full Donna-special-breakfast." The woman said brightly.

"sounds awesome" dean replied. He and Cas took opposite seats, waiting for their breakfast.

Silence. Dean studied the Card, tapping a rhythm at the table while Cas stared at his Hands, out of the window or following Donna with his eyes.

"Carry on, isn't it?" Cas asked suddenly. Dean looked up, first confused, than grinning. "Yeah, you noticed?"

Cas grinned back "How couldn't I? You played this song thereabout... ten times yesterday"

"Does it bothered you? You could have said something...." Dean said.

"Not at all. I would never get in a car with a bad Music taste." Cas laughed. Dean joined in.

The ice was broken.

More relaxed, they enjoyed their breakfast. Donna was right, they needed it. Dean and Cas belonged to the kind of people who needed somebody to look after them, even they would never admit it.

Back on the street in the car their talked about music. Noticing they had pretty much in common. They discussed the up and downs of their favorite bands, new and old songs and all the stuff.

When Einsteins theory of relativity was right, that time went by sometimes faster and sometimes slower, this day had just 5 minutes. Both man had a lot of fun, it seemed both forgot Problems and Troubles and just enjoyed the Moment.

They laughed, made jokes, talking nonsense. They even did a sing-along to some of Deans tapes.

Cas sighed "Oh man, i don't know the last time i had so much fun. The last time i laughed."

"Really? Getting old? Don't tell me you're hundred and broke out of an old people's home" Dean joked.

Cas giggled "Yes, I'm on a journey to catch up an adventure before i die. What about you?"

"Try to laugh every day. Even when it's hard. Especially  when it's hard." Dean frowned for a second, like he just remembered something, a glimpse later it was gone and Dean smiled again. But Cas noticed.

"So we have to get you an adventure?" Dean grinned at him. Cas smiled back, trying to figure out what could been worrying the Driver.

"sounds good." he replied. Cas didn't speak about the frowning. Who was he, to ask about it?

But later, when the two laid again in the car, Cas remembered the serious Expression on Deans face. Speculate about to say something or better not. But before he could say anything he got interrupted by Dean.

"hey Cas, what did you mean that you can't remember the last time you laughed? I don't want to be snoopy..... but, are you okay?" Dean asked with caution.

Cas sighed, he understood what Dean meant.

"It's a longer Story." he said finally.

"I have time" Dean replied.

"Tomorrow, okay?" Cas said, partly because he was tired, partly he hoped to adjourn it a bit longer.

(AN: sorry for grammar mistakes. again. and thanks for reading so far. )

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