part 14

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Dean took him to a small coffee shop down the street. They sat outside, letting the summer breeze playing with their hair. They hadn't much interest in watching the passengers when they could look at each other.

Cas told him about his ride and all the people he met. Just now he noticed how much he had to tell Dean. They didn't saw each other for not longer than a week but there was still so much to tell. Thoughts, he wanted to share with Dean. Jokes. Feelings. Happenings. And he forgot that Dean was such an amazing listener. He smiled, laughed and sighed at the right parts.

His eyes were also much greener, his hair more bronze and his voice celestial.

Dean was happy. Cas was back. He couldn't believe that they met again. He thought he would never see him again. Cas, the mysterious stranger, who bumped in his life, messed it up and left. He already started to think Cas was nothing more then a hallucination.

But he was here.  And it was like no time had passed. Like Cas never left, like their friendship enveloped right away. And it was wonderful. Now he noticed how much he actually missed him. Those bright blue eyes, this cracked smile and his laugh. Yes, he was happy that Cas was back.

"So what about you? What happened to you... all this time?" Cas asked after he finished more or less his story.

"Driving. Not much to tell actually. I stayed there a couple of days, i thought i needed a pause. Then, i drove here. You know, the road. Bad coffee, rock music and awesome sunsets." Dean smiled.

"Yeah, i remember them" Cas smiled back, thinking back in time and space. Both lost in thoughts about the past moments. They seemed so far away.

When they were driving into that amazing red-orange-lilac-sunset with Bon Jovi and AC/DC. When Cas would greet him with coffee in the morning. Their night talks. The sing-alongs. 

The waitress placed two Cups of coffee and plates with apple pie in front of them and brought them back from their thoughts.

"And did you paint at last?" Dean asked, stabbing his pie and scooping it into his mouth. Cas looked surprised at him. He mentioned it .... once? Just once in a sub-clause that he wanted to draw and Dean remembered it?

"a bit" Cas blushed a Little. The only thing he drew so far was Dean.

"Can i see?" Dean asked excited.

"Uhm, sure" Cas took the drawing out of his bag and showed it to Dean, nervous what Dean would think about it. Would he like it? Or think it's crap? Would he be terrified that Cas drew him?

Dean studied it a few seconds, while Cas nearly died of nervousness.

"Cas.... thats amazing. I didn't knew that you were so talented" Dean said honestly. "But you have to tell me who that handsome man his you're draw." he joked.

Cas cheeks went from pink to dark red. "shut up" he laughed. Happy about the compliment.

"But it's really good" Dean repeated. "Can i keep it?" he asked after a while shyly.

"Yes, of course." Cas nodded, puzzled how cute Dean was. He thought he knew Dean after their time together, but it seemed he didn't knew much about him at all. He knew about his Family, a bit. He knew which Songs he loved and how he drunk his coffee. But he wanted to know so much more about him. He wanted to know Dean Winchester, with all the rough edges.

"Oh shit, i'm supposed to meet Sam in 5 min." Dean said suddenly. "To you want to come? You could meet my brother" he offered. He didn't want Cas to disappear again.

"i would love to" Cas responded. A bit nervous, could he just come? wasn't he interrupting a Family Meeting?

"and i know sam wants to meet you too" Dean added. Cas nodded and followed Dean after they paid and left the cafe.

Sam waited on a bank outside law Campus. He stuffed his books back into his bag when they saw his brother with a stranger, but smiled widely when Dean introduced him as Cas, the tramper.

That was the mysterious guy who fucked his Brothers life up.

He seemed nice. Sam had to admit he was worried that this Cas-guy would be some sort of bad-Boy. But Cas was actually nice. And smart and a good guy. He noticed also that Dean was hella nervous. They were always looking at each other. Like all the time. He dept that they even noticed themselves but their eyes were always fixed on each other and they never stopped smiling for just a second.

Sam was happy to see Dean like this. Like a teenage Girl with her first crush. It was about time. No more chicks in cheap Motel rooms. Now he had Cas.

Together they went to that place with the amazing burgers. And after that Jess joined them in a small bar.

It was a fun night. Jess was cool. They got along pretty good, all of them. They joked and giggled around, like they knew each other since years.

Cas and Sam talked about University stuff. Classes and professors and annoying roommates. While Dean amused Jess with stories about Sam.

Cas phone rigged. "Thats Claire, excuse me" he stood up to go out. Sam joined Deans and Jess conversation again.

"Who's Claire?" Jess asked. "His daughter" Dean took a sip of his drink. Jess eyes widened "No way"

"Jup. He has a daughter and an exwife" Deans eyes were fixed on the door behind which Cas left.

"Wow. Thats rough" Jess shook her head. Then she stood up to go the toilet.

"Still can't believe you ended up with a hot girlfriend" Dean said.

"And i that you met a nice guy. When will you ask him?" Sam responded.

"Ask him what?"

"To stay"

Before Dean could reply anything Cas came back. And a second later, Jess.

"It's late, i think we should go now" Jess said and took Sams Hand who nodded and they stood up. Dean and Cas decided to go too.

Silently, they walked down the dark street. "Thats my Motel" Cas said suddenly and stopped. For second nobody said something. "It's late and you're a bit drunk. Do you want to stay?" Cas asked nervously. Was that to much?

"Yes, thanks" Dean accepted.

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