The First time ^.^

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After I passed out I wasn’t sure what happened. When I woke up I was on the counter of the skateboard shop all bandage up  with Josh disinfecting my wounds.

”You’re awake finally eh?” He was straining to talk. I looked at his face, and he looked so fragile. I imagined myself touching him and seeing him break in a thousand pieces.

 “I should go” I said, detaching myself, wincing at the pain as I got up. He put his hand on my cheek

 Don’t go.” He murmured. “Stay with me the night.”

 Did I hear right? “

 “What?!” I manage to at least choke out.

“Stay with me. Your mum will hit you if she sees you like that.” He said. He was only worried about my mum.

I sighed. I was hoping for something else.

”It’s okay, I’m going. Bye Josh” I said quickly grabbing my book-bag, and limped out the shop.

 Well I guess it was stupid to think that he wanted me to stay. Why would he like a girl like me?  I sighed and walked down the sidewalk. It was about 10pm.

 Hey dumb ass I heard you were touching my chick” Said a tall shady dude with a black hoody and a knife pointing to a tan, tall, black spiky hair dude. The tall spiky hair dude clenched his knuckles until they turned white.

“ I didn’t touch her, she bumped into me.” He said in a calm icy voice. The other guy shrugged and moved closer

“Well I don’t care. I don’t like your attitude. You think you’re so cool that you don’t want to talk to anybody! You know, am sick of you. I am gonna teach you a lesson you piece of sh*t! Get him!” The three guys sprung to action and started to move toward the spiky haired dude. The guy on the left threw a punch to him, but he ducked and kicked him in the stomach. The guy went down with a loud thump.

“What the hell you guys doing? Kill him!” The guy with the knife said. They nodded and the one on the right kicked him in the calf, but it didn’t fazed him. It was like the spiky hair dude didn’t feel any pain. Then he grabbed the guys arm, and twisted it. The guy that was left picked up a metal stick, and hit the spiky hair dude. He went down in a blink of an eye. I cringed at the sight.

“You bitch” T he spiky hair said with a grunt.

 The guy with the knife laughed and moved closer. I threw my book-bag at him, not wanting to see another man die.

“ What the hell?! Who are you?” He spurted, and turned around to face me. I didn’t give him the chance to attack.

I kicked his knife out of his hand then punched him and kicked him in the groan.  I chuckled to myself. I can play dirty too, you son of a bitch, I thought.

“Hey what the f*ck you doing?” The other guy shrieked and hit me with the metal stick on my back, I went down on my kneel

”Damn...!” I spat blood on the ground, and then tried to get up but I couldn’t.  I looked up to see as the spiky hair dude whacked his head and the guy, and he fell instantly. He turned toward me and kneeled down

“Hey thanks for what you did” He said, and I manage to get up. I went to retrieve my book-bag, and he called out again

“Hey what’s your name dude?” I kept my mouth shut and layed against the wall. I was too weak. I knew if I kept walking I would lose consciousness.

“Are you okay” He asked standing in front of me. He gently placed his hands on my shoulder to steady me.

”I’m fine…” I trailed off and fell into his arms. He grabbed and shook me.

 “Hey dude, don’t do this! Come on, I am taking you to the hospital. Stay with me!” His voice was so far away….

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