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Monday morning I heard a thump. I am guessing my mum dropped something.

“Damn...” I said in a sleepy tone, I rolled out of bed and got ready for school. It was only the second week of school but man did it feel long. My mum looked me up and down with a disproving face while I ate my blueberry pancake.

“Evenly where were you?” She asked with a curious tone.

“Skateboard shop “I simply reply while I bite a chunk of my pancakes.

From where I was sitting I could see the hairs on her neck stand when I mention where I was.

“Why were you there and why do you have bruise!?” She asked in an alert tone. She turned towards me, looking at me with those big green piercing eyes that I envied. I shrugged

“I was in the skateboarding and I fell a lot trying to do the 360. Sorry mum” I saw her turn around and just shake her head furiously saying something under her breath. This really shouldn’t concern her.

 I got my black bag ad slung it over my shoulder, I was wearing my skinny ripped jeans and a blue Nikes I bought myself. Also I was wearing a black shirt that said” Roses painted Black”

“Damn I’m late!” I said under my breath as I started to walk out I heard my mum start to yelled and I dashed out the house like lighting. I started running towards the school.

I jumped over a trash can that was lying on the floor, and grinned, feeling proud.

The bell rang when I was about to step in class. Damn I was so close. Mrs. looked up and wrote me a detention for being late and not wearing correct dress code. So those shitty bullshit girls can wear those little hooker skirts that allows you to see half their asses, and they complain about me cause I am showing my knees? That sure don’t make a lot of sense.

I walked toward my desk and put my head down. I already know this stuff. It’s not rocket science to memorize the formula and how to do the damn problem. I didn’t have to waste my time listening or looking at the teacher who I didn’t care to learn her name’s  fatigue figure trying to helpless to explain it.

After twenty minutes or so I was awaken by somebody pulling a seat next to me. I didn’t look up.

“Eh! Can you not make so much fucking noise?!” I told whoever was pulling the chair. The person sat down and tipped the chair back.

“What a pissy mood for a girl. You sure you aren’t a dude with a thing dangling in between your legs?” he asked sarcastically.

The nerve this guy had. I turn my face toward him and froze. It was XERVER!

My throat was dry, my poor eyes were glued to him and he stared back at me with amusement and a foolish grin on his face.

“It’s the no manner Chick “ He said and his green eyes twinkled with delight.

“You stalking me know?”I managed to croak as I look at my hands and started to fidget with them. The room literally was quiet or maybe that was just my imagination. Either way I was speechless. What was he doing here?!

“As fun as that might be no. I got transferred. Sorry to disappointed you.” He said.

 I managed to smile and put my head back down on the desk. I closed my eyes and focus on my breathing. I didn’t want to deal with him. Maybe this is just a sick dream that felt way to damn realistic. I had to wake up fast.

“So that’s your way of finishing a conversation? You truly have no manners. Well, I’ll show you some.“ He leaned forward and looked at the teacher as she re-explained herself .The bell Ringed and I jump over the desk and left. I heard the teacher say my detention will be double. But I honestly didn’t care. Instead of going to the clinic, I said I had bad cramps, so they sent me to the office. I layed down on those dingy white beds and fell asleep.

I felt something in my left arm that was warm and running up and down. My eyes fluttered open to see Xerver next to me rubbing his hand softly on my arm.

“ What are you doing you creep!?” I asked coldly. From the corner of my eyes I could see he flinched.

“You um you where cold I just was rubbing your arm so it would go away” He said softly. I could see his cheek turn a light shade of pink. He looked away when he felt his cheek flush.

“Ugh… whatever just leave. I honestly can’t stand you!” I said as my heart started to beat a thousand beats per second. In a mocking tone he acted like he was dying after he heard what I told him. He slowly rose from the floor where he had acted like my words had killed him. He kissed my nose.

“Remember one thing. I will make you fall for me!” He said with a loopy smile. I snorted and rolled my eyes.

“Sure when pigs fly and shit on you!”I  said he grinned and stood up straight.

“You never know. You might fall for me and I will make you beg when you do for having no manners.” He said with a twinkle of delight. Who does this bastard think I am?

“Why don’t we make it into a bet?” I asked. He turned and looked at me with a devilish smile.

“You got yourself a deal. If I fall for you I will go on my knees and crawl in front of everybody and confess my love for you, and the same goes for you. Deal?” He said holding out his hand and spat on it. I did the same with my own and we shook warm spit.

“DEAL!”I said.

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