Who would have Thought?

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( This is one of my favorite part of the story hahah i keep rereading it !!!! I also want to delticate this story to my awesome editor that sticks with me :) She is awesome and i want to let you know this story wouldnt be as good as it is without your editting and your feedback :))

It's was already 9pm when I came back from the beach. I came early then usual since I couldn't decide if I wanted to see and if he actually would be there waiting.

“Mr.  take a right here it's just up ahead" I told to the taxi driver. He was an old man with grayish hair and a pointy nose. In my book he looks a lot like an elf.

He nodded and turn then park right in front of the movie theater.

“Thank you" I said as I got out of the taxi wearing still my baiting suit, I handed the taxi driver forty-five dollars. He smiled and I could tell he either smoked or drank coffee because his teethe we're stained. He waved joyfully and pulls out of the parking and left.

As I turned to face the dazzling movie theater that blinded me for a second because if all the lights. My breath increased as my heart started beating a thousand beats per second.

 I felt him watching me. He was sitting in the bench wearing black skinny jeans and a green shirt that hug his nicely shapes arm. He looked so good. He looked up and smiled.

Xerver Pov:

It was getting late.

 I been waiting for a few hours and she still wasn't her. Was she going to stand me up? No! She wouldn't. I trust her. But why do I trust when I don't know her? I sighed and shook my head. She’s going to come. I know it.

That’s when I looked up and saw her standing in the entrance of the Movie Theater wearing her baiting suite. She looked amazing with her hair was wet and curly making her look like a mermaid. Her body was so toned. She had a lovely tight stomached and luscious legs that seem to go forever and ever. Her lips were bright red form getting to much sun. I smiled and got up I walked to her.

“I knew you would come.” I said with excitement in my voice.

Evie Pov:

 He actually waited.  He didn't lied.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing dared to come out. Suddenly the air started to pick up bringing chills to my body. Xerver notice and took off his grey sweater and threw it over my shoulder.

 “Thanks" I said softly hoping he wouldn't catch that but sadly he did.

He nodded " You’re welcome. Finally your learning manners. Also why are you wearing a baiting suite to the movies? Not that am opposing it but it's cold." He said as we stood in the entrance and people started to stare.

“I was in the beach .....” I said trailing off and looking down at my toes. He smiled and lifted up my chin; I took a small breath in and closed my eyes. I had no clue what I was doing in the entrance of the movie theater wearing a baiting suite in the chilly weather. I must be losing it.

 Xerver moved in close. I could feel his breath on my nose. It was so warm, so close to my mouth. He pressed his warm lips on me, and oh god it was heaven.

 I never had my first kiss until know. Instantly I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer, gently pulling at my lower lip, teasing me. I smiled softly and learned how to kiss him back properly. I felt his hand go to my waist as he gently got his tongue out and use it to open my lips. I felt his hot tongue inside of my mouth. My whole body tingled. I didn't even realize it when a soft moan escapes my lips. His lips curled when he heard me moan.

He pulled back and gently whisper in my ear “I take it that you like it." His whole face was glowing or it was me because we were standing under the pole light? Either way I could feel my cheek grow warm.

“ no comment" I said smiling. He laughed and grab my arm and we walked to the ticket booth. He bought two tickets for a funny comedy.

“That would be 18 dollars.” The tall brown skinned women said through the microscope. Xerver got a 20 dollar bill and paid.

I just had my freaking first kiss. And it was amazingly perfect.

We waited for the ticket and walk in the doors. 

“Do you want to eat something?" He said while looking at the selection of food.

" No, I’m ok. Thanks"

 He nodded and we found our room and sat down. It was honestly one of the best nights ever. We laugh through the movie and made jokes at the foolish way actors act in a movie.

After the movie was done we caught a taxi and I gave the old chubby guy the direction where I lived. We rode silently through the whole ride, and he held my hand the whole time. My hands were so sweaty. I bet he thought I was disgusting.

“Miss we are here" Said the taxi driver looking at his rear mirror.

"Thanks. Bye " I said as I was opening the door. I felt Xerver hand reach out for mine he passed me a small envelop address

"Evie" he smiled , and said "open it tonight at 12:00 pm . Bye Evie, I had a nice time" I clutched the white paper with all my might and nodded goodbye. I walked to my room, literally rushing as I took a shower and ate, counting the seconds to 12.

 At 12 I sat on my bed and read the note

"Would you like to go on a little field trip with me ?" The note read I smiled . This was going to be an interesting trip indeed I thought to myself as I slipped the note under my pillow and fell to a deep slumber.

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