A Walk down Mermory lane & A Cold Truth~

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( Okay guys this is going to be a short chapter, i am kinda press for time and i barely can use the computer which is quite troubling to write but here goes i will try my best to continue this story ^_^)

I woke up around 8:00 am in the morning, i really have no memory of what happen last mostly because i past out while watching a movie. i can't put my finger on it but i think something is troubling my heart,though i dont know what it may be my heart feel unease.Today  was suppose to be the fight but i didnt want to fight. Was that strange this has been the only reason for my exsitence. Yes, quite odd since i was small i been brought up to fight though it was keep hiding from my mother.I wasnt a regular street fighter, i belong to a gang just like my father.  My father was King of the latin kings and since he had when he was king i became a royal princess. My dad was in control of a large majority of dealing with drug mostly distributing it. I found this out the night of my six birthday when some guys kidnapped me and told me that if my father didnt show up they would cut me up into slices and feed me to the shark.

I mean what could i say i was terrified when those two bulky guys said that. At the end to make it short the story my father show up but when he brought the money they killed him right in front of my eye. When i closed my still after so many years all the memories come flooding back. I can be able to earse the memory when the bullet when right through my dad forehead and as he was falling down to the ground he cry a tear and said my name.

I sigh and got up from the bed and dash to the bathroom . Damn i was cold, i flung off my clothe and threw it in the floor and jump into the icy cold water.

"Hey Evie where are........ you?" Xerver said as he poke his head through the door. The curtain where clear so i am guessing he had a damn good view of me well my back side at least.

" Xerver what the hell you pervert get out !!" I scream and i could feel as my body became warm with anger, the blood was rushing through my body. I grab the shampoo body and fling it to him, damn i hit him right in the forehead. Hm mayby i shoulf try out for football or baseball since i have a killer swing?

"Yo what the fuck that hurts i was just looking for you i thought you had disappear or that something happen to you !" he yelled and look down. I grab the towel still cover in soap and got out the shower , as i was walking torward where he was i slip and landed on my back.

"Ouch...sshit that hurts like a bitch "I said trying to not feel to much pain, i closed my eyes and slowly start to breath slowly. Xerver rush to me and try to lift me , he then gently to me to the bed and laid me down. When he place me  in the bed he pressed his lips on me.

"your a big dork" He said with his goofy grin, he went to the bathroom and clean where i drip soap and water he also closed the faucet and return the shampoo bottle where it was. It was clearly visible that big red bump he had in his forehead which was funny because it didnt fit his face.

" You look like you have a egg there" I said pointing to the bump. he smiled and touch it softly.

"Yeah but its okay, i loook with anything so its ok" He said in smooth trying to be sexy voice. I just laugh and got up from the bed since my back wasnt hurting anymore.

"Ok get out mr. i look good with that egg looking thing on your face." I said tightening the towel around me. he got up from the bed where he was sitting and he went to the door but before he left he whisper something i barely even caught.

" You were comfortable with me when your naked you only have a towel that barely was covering you. Are you sure you havent fallen for me?" He closed the door and left.

I was stunned he said what i thought he said. It was true as well well the first part i was comfortable with him when i was almost naked i wasnt shy i didnt even notice. Am i really falling for him. Can this really be happpening on the day of the fight.? What the hell is he doing to my LIFE!

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