What will Become of Us?

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It was finally Friday I thought to myself as I walked the crowded hallways.

“Evenly hey!” Said Xerver, rushing to keep pace with me.

“Hm?”I hum softly as I kept walking.

“Say at least hi! Damn! I am going to show you manners. I vow that much.” He said as he grabbed my arm. I tried to break free but it was useless; he had a tight grip on me. Kids were starting to look at us and whispering. I lowered my head slowly. I knew that the new kid hanging with me would bring me bad news.

“Let Go I have to go!” I said trying to walk faster. My arm was hurting. I knew that there was going to be bruise. He looked at me pissed and dragged me with him.

”What the hell where are we going?” I ask desperately, trying to catch my breath. We passed through the blue double doors leading to the stairway. He push me against the wall. My back made a loud echoing thump on the cold grey wall.

“Look do I annoy you that much? I just want to be friends with you and you push me away. You don’t even know me!” He said while standing in front of me. He had his hand on my shoulder pushing me against the wall so I wouldn’t be able to escape. I never noticed he had amazing greenish-brownish eyes that complimented his dark brown locks. I bit my lip and face the other way. This was killing me. I could hear our breathing; I didn’t want to be here with him! Why is he doing all of this to me and why is my body reacting so differently.

“I didn’t ask for you to be my friend” My voice was shaky, what was going on with me? I was never this cold or mean to anybody. He sighed and hit the wall with his fist.

“Fine be like that. I am taking you to the movies tomorrow, the one by fifth ave. Be there at five.” He said while letting go of my shoulder. He moved back and shoved his hand in his grey trousers.

“Who said I'm going?”I asked.

He threw his head back and put his hand behind his head. He looked at me and simply said  “Well I will wait for you there on the bench until you come. I will arrive at 5:00pm. I won’t leave till you come.” He said stubbornly.

 I looked at him and saw the determination in his eyes. My heart started to beat faster and faster. I clutch my chest feeling my poor heart desperately racing.

”You will wait all your life then because am not going “I said trying to disguise that I wished to go and see him if only for a little bit.

He pinned me against the wall and whisper in my ear softly and alluring.

“For you I will wait all my life.”

I lost it. My lips began to tremble. We were so close. Maybe he would kiss me...

 No nonsense!  That wouldn’t happen.

Xerver then moved away. I dashed quickly out of there and left without a word. What’s going on? If I lose this bet, I am dead. I will have to do what the end of the deal is. I can’t fall for him, he’s not right. He can’t be. HE won’t accept me anyways, he won’t like a problematic girl like me.

 What should I do though… If I go then he might think I have feeling for him but if I don’t… I did believe that he would stay there until I went there.

I bumped into someone and snap out of my dazed.

”My bad sorry” I said to the person I bump into. I really wasn’t paying attention. I walked to my last class silently

I couldn’t concentrate in my class, my mind was filled with so much anxiety and thoughts. My head pleaded to be shut off because it didn’t understand what I was feeling. I sighed softly. The last bell ringed and I gather my books and stuffed it in my bookbag. Suddently someone touch my shoulder I turn to see who it was. To my amazement it was Tiara.

“Excuse me?” I said. Usually her skin tone was beautiful but today, it seemed darker. She had short hair that only reach her chin. Tiara was what you called a snotty bitch or a Mean girl. Either way I couldn’t stand her.

“Oh girl my bad. I didn’t mean to touch you. I wouldn’t want to touch your nerdy self bitch!” She looked me up and down as she cross her arms and waited for me to make a comeback. I really didn’t understand why we have these types of girls on the planet earth. Such a bother. They just bring pain to others and make life miserable.

“ cat got your tongue?” She said while crossing her arms. I could see her pink gum as she chewed like a cow. I shook my head as she pop her pink gum right in front of my face. I don’t even know how she managed to keep it away from me when the bubble exploded.

“Look just stay away from the new kid. I saw him first and he’s going to be mine so keep your nerdy self away from him unless you want me to break your face” She said with a menacing tone. I didn’t like it at all. I knew this would happen if people saw us together.

“I got it. I don’t want anything to do with him you can keep him” I grab my book bag and storm out the class. I cursed the day that I meet Xerver. He’s just another pain in my life.

Saturday came quick. I laid in bed and thought of what I should do. I rose from my bed and stretch my pj rose showing my tummy. I decide to go to the beach since I haven’t been there for a while. I strip and hit the shower. I turn the knobs and adjusted the water to steamy hot. My bathroom was painted blue, like the ocean. The water felt so good. I let the water hit my body as it warm me up.

That idiot. He’s probably already at the beach, waiting for me.

 Why the hell am I thinking about him? I slide down on the wall and sat on the floor letting the water wrap around me protecting me from the cold outside world. Where everything hurt and nothing was what you expect it to be.

 My mind was going haywire!

”Stop it Evie! Stop thinking about him he is worthless “ I said as I rose up and turn of the water faucet.

“It’s useless!” I hit my head against the wall. As I knew what I was going to do would change everything

 I dried myself and put on my black string top with a heart on the right boob, and the cute boy short that hug my ass just right. They were bright pink. Well I thought to myself whatever happens, happens here I go!

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