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The boy's smirk faded and he pushed himself away from the doorframe.

"What?" He asked, in such a soft voice that I wasn't sure if what I said was a bad thing. I could hear the police sirens outside the building, I nodded my head towards the window. The boy looked outside, looking alarmed as he listened to the sirens going back and forth.

"I just need to stay for a night." I said, getting up and walking closer to the boy. I stood a few inches away from him, reaching for the light switch and flicking the lights off. The boy began to stutter, but I pressed my finger against my lips and shushed him. We stayed in silence for a while, just waiting for the sirens to fade.

As the sirens faded, the boy grabbed my wrist and twisted my hand behind my back. I let out a high pitched yelp, feeling the cold metal of a gun against my jaw.

"Who are you? Why did you come here?" The boy yelled, his grasp on my wrist getting tighter.

"I don't usually give my name out to anyone, plus you seem dangerous-- ow!" The boy pressed me against the wall, squashing my boobs.

"Dude careful! I'm still a female! Look, I don't have any weapons, so-- fuck, just let me go!" I struggled out of his grip, but to no avail. I heard the boy place the gun down, as he tied my wrists with a thick rope. Once he checked my hands were secure, he turned me around and pushed me down on the rusty, broken-down sofa near the corner of the room.

He walked over to my duffel bag, opened it and took out the only thing that was in there – the dark blue jewelley box. I cursed to myself, begging internally that he didn't open it. But he did, his eyes widening once he saw what was inside. Even in the dark, the diamonds sparkled.

"Okay," he said, closing the jewellery box. "I'll let you stay," I sighed in relief. "If you give me 10% of whatever you get from this necklace." I scoffed.

Never trust guys with cute faces.

"Fine." I agreed. "Now untie me." The boy tsked, chuckling as he walked towards me. His force was more gentle than before, as he untied me and went over to switch the lights on.

"You'll sleep on the couch." He left with those words. I waited until he came back, hopefully with some blankets or a pillow. But all I heard was the click of another door closing, then silence. I gasped.

Does he expect me to just sleep like this?!

I stomped to the first closed door, hitting my fists on it without mercy.

"Open up, you dickhead!"

The door opened up suddenly and I nearly hit the boy. He looked pissed, with messy hair. I stepped back, seeing as he looked like he was ready to kill someone. I shook my head, remembering how inhumane he was.

"Are you expecting me to just sleep on that... thing?" I pointed towards the kitchen/living room. The boy shrugged his shoulders and I looked at him with disbelief.

"Look dickhead--"

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung, not dickhead." The boy intterupted me. I took a deep breath in, calming myself down.

"Look, Taehyung. Can't you just give me a pillow or something? There's no way I can sleep on that." The boy laughed, the fakest laugh I've ever heard – and that's coming from someone who only had maids to play with. He walked past me to the room.

"What are you doing?" I asked. The boy stopped and turned around, looking more annoyed than before.

"What do you think? I'm not sure who you are, but if you want, just sleep on my bed." He finished, then jumped on the sofa and put his hands behind his head. I looked at him, seeing that he showed no emotion at all.


I scoffed, going to his bedroom and slamming the door behind me. His room was small, only able to fit a bed and a small closet. It made me wonder, did I make the right choice? But I couldn't go back now. All I could do was get to Rocky quickly and get out of this mess.

But for now, sleep.

A/N: I'm obsessed with Bad Boy Tae >.< don't forget to comment and vote cause I basically need that for my motivation level.

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