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I watched; the little girl, with short raven hair and straight bangs, stood there in front of the swing set. She was staring at another girl – probably around the same age – being pushed by her dad. I gulped, shifting my eyes from the girl and the dad. The girl seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown. She stood there, her hands dirty from trying to play in the sandbox; only to get her sandcastle trampled on by other children.

Once again, I was going to come and consult her, but a boy ran to her and dragged the girl away. The boy was laughing, showing off his half-grown teeth in a rectangular smile. In a short amount of time, the girl began to smile herself – then I smiled. The two children ran all the way to a bench, where the boy helped the girl sit.

"Why were you alone?" The boy asked, his tiny voice over casting all the noise from the playground. The girl turned her head away, clearly not wanting to answer. The boy sighed, digging into his pockets, and took out a rag doll. My eyes widened at the miniature object, which was actually so big the boy had to hold it with two hands. He pressed it into the girl's lap, a little blush creeping onto his baby soft skin.

"This is Lee Chaelin," the boy smiled, seeing the girl turn her head and take the doll in surprise. "Don't be alone anymore."

I groaned, sinking back into reality; where the sun decided to blind my vision once I opened my eyes. I turned over, snuggling into the warm blanket-

Wait a second.

I opened my eyes again, throwing off the blanket in a confused panic. When did I get in this bed? I turned my head, and where's Taehyung?!

Before I could even think of how to deal with this; the faint click of a door made me stop, abruptly listening to whoever was outside. I heard the ruffling of a plastic bag and footsteps. In no time, the bedroom door opened and Taehyung's mess of a morning's look stumbled in. He walked like a zombie, groaning a bit as he clutched his head. The both of us made eye contact, but there was only a split second pause before Taehyung crashed onto the bed face first.

At first, I thought he was faking, trying to see how much I care. Well, fuck no, I'm not his mum to give him attention. But then I remembered last night, and how intoxicated he was by alcohol.

Shit, he died.

I scrambled to my knees, my body towering over his head. I bit my lip, having no idea.

Okay, think. What did they teach you in health class?

I checked his pulse in his neck – still beating. I sighed in relief, getting off the bed and making attempts in pulling him onto the bed fully. Once I did (thankfully) I noticed the plastic bag, which was now on the floor. I became curious in its contents. I looked inside and saw; hangover tablets; hangover soup, and a Playboy magazine.

I fucking knew he was a perv.

Once I emptied it, I decided to at least help this hopeless being. I took the tablets and the soup, leaving the magazine on the nightstand, and went out to the kitchen. I grabbed a plastic cup – 'cause apparently this dude can't afford glass – and filled it with tap water. I heard a moan from the bedroom, signalling that the hungover patient had awoken.


"You're such an idiot." I mumbled to myself, drying my hair with a towel as Taehyung ate the hangover soup. He ate it with such hurry, I thought he was going to choke.

"Dude, calm down." I looked over at the digital clock on his nightstand. "You still have 13 hours until the day finishes."

Taehyung stopped, swallowing down whatever was left in his mouth. He looked over at the clock himself and sighed.

"I have 10 hours until I have to leave." I furrowed my eyebrows. After taking the tablets, he went right back to sleep; mumbling the word "leave" a couple of times in his dreams.

"Where are you going?" I asked, setting the towel on a hanger and crashing on the bed. There wasn't much space for the both of us, but we didn't really seem to mind anymore – as if it was natural that we were this close.

"I need to go to Gwengju for a bit, to sort out some problems for work, I'll be back in a week." Taehyung began to play with my damp hair. "Don't go out, there might still be people looking for you- it usually takes months before the police forgets."

I nodded, but a question kept circling my mind.

"What about food?" I asked, pouting as I imagined starving because I couldn't let anyone see my face. Taehyung stayed quiet, thinking, before he groaned and ruffled his hair. In my peripheral vision, I saw the warm strays of sunlight highlighting his facial features, making Taehyung's eyes a glossy brown. While I was admring the view, Taehyung got up and began to put his jacket on.

"Where are you going?"


"What about me?" Taehyung stopped in his tracks, probably weighing out the pros and cons of taking me with him. His eyes flickered from thinking-about-life-problems to the normal intense glare.

"Is there something I should know?" I furrowed my eyebrows, my forehead wrinkles showing as I tried to act confused.

Does he know something? '

"Like," Taehyung intterupted my thoughts. "Are you allergic to something, or a special dietery plan or?" I let out a sigh of relief in my head, so that's what he's talking about.

I shook my head, "Nothing special." Taehyung nodded, and was about to walk out when I called out again.

"But-" I heard Taehyung huff. "I don't eat meat." He turned around, his face showing a mix of emotions.

"Vegetarian?" I nodded my head.


A/N: :D hi guys, I've updated again and I'm actually pretty happy with this chapter. The fun bit is coming up so please don't get bored yet >~<

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