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The sun burned at my eyelids, to which I responded by groaning and turning over. I pulled my quilted cover over my shoulders, which seemed to be covered by something light - lighter than the jumper I had been wearing. In the distance, I heard a click and then the slight squeaking of wheels being rolled against the floor. I forced my eyes open, turning back to the side where the sun had been shining. I gasped, backing away when seeing the man that had served my family for nearly 30 years.

"Good morning, young miss." Mr Lee bowed, stepping aside so that the tray trolley that was behind him was in my view. Immediately, my mouth began to water from the scent of the bacon and eggs breakfast I had once loved. "Why am I here?" I croaked out, not sure if this was a sort of dream that I was having. Mr Lee didn't even flinch before answering, "you are home."

"I know that," I deadpanned. "But what am I doing here? Where's Taehyung?" Mr Lee stayed silent for a while, before bringing my breakfast plate onto the nighstand bside my bed. "I haven't been informed of what happened to your friends, but I can assure you no harm has been done." I tried to sit up, which failed miserably as I plopped back down face first. Mr Lee helped me up, "you shouldn't push yourself too much. You were unconscious for three days." My eyes widened subconsciously, and I stayed silent as Mr Lee exited the room - which I had guessed to be my old bedroom. A slight shiver crept upon my spine. I looked around the peach coloured walls, filled with furniture of different shades of pink. I had kept my room the same after decorating it at the age of 8. Maybe it was because I knew this room didn't belong to the grown up me; or maybe it was because I was afraid of letting go of the few things I could've decided for myself. Whatever the reason was, it didn't stop me from practically engulfing the food that was set on my nightstand. 

Later on, I had opened my closet, to only see one outfit - a baby blue swing dress with a small black bow tied to the waist. I sighed,  the old man never gets tired. The dress fit perfectly, and I instantly felt self-conscious. As I looked in the mirror, I noticed how my shoulders were open for the world to see, and my flimsy arms had never looked so weak. I had the urge to jump out of the large window that faced the bed, but my eyes caught sight of something large that was shocking to miss. In every empty space, a stuffed toy had been placed. I turned around, stepped out of my closet, and squinted at the view.

I swear I threw them away.

Each toy reminded of how my father would always buy me a toy whenever we went out in public; obviously trying to impress the photographers that had followed us. I followed the trail of stuffed animals, only to end up at my desk top, where a small red notebook layed. I picked it up, flicking through the pages. It's my diary, I thought, seeing "Dear diary," at the top of each page - except one. My eyes focused on the scribbled hand writing my thirteen year old self adopted.

"Lee Chaelin," I whispered out, scanning the page. "Dietary needs: vegetarian," I scoffed, knowing that this was my fake identity plan. The click of the door made me drop the book on the floor, and I didn't even think about picking it up before turning towards the door. Mr Lee stood with a note in his hand, "your father would like to speak to you." I nodded, taking the note from him and making my way to my father's office. Before knocking, I unfolded the note to see a number and a recognisable name below. I smiled. 

"Come in." A stern voice called out from the other side of the door, without me even knocking. I opened the door, the light within nearly blinding me. Inside sat my father, and a man in a suit. The two eyed me as I walked in, but my eyes focused on the unknown man. His features seemed caucasion, with a strong jawline. "Sora, meet Phil Jeffrey." My father introduced, the man's name rolling off his tongue. The man took his hand out for me to shake, but put it back when I didn't respond. "He has lend a hand in helping us cover your death stunt," my father went on, ignoring my confused expression. "We decided to cover it up with a surprise wedding." I almost choked on air.

"It seems Miss Park needs a bit of time to think it over." Phil excused himself, probably knowing I would've attacked him if he stayed any longer. My father waited, with a stern look on his aging face. A few grey hairs became visible from the last time I saw him, or maybe I just never noticed those little details. We stayed in silence, before I decided to break the ice.

"Nice desk--"

"You have dishonoured our family." I threw my hands up in disbelief, as if I wanted to come back. I cleared my throat, "I need to make a call." The old man hesitated, before saying, "only on loud speaker." I rolled my eyes, using the note to type the number on my father's antique phone set.


"Jin?" My mood turnt one-eighty degrees at hearing his voice. I heard a little sniffle at the other side until he went back to talking, "is your father there?" I nodded, before realising he can't see me. "Yeah, you're on loud speaker." Jin cleared his throat, "Mr. Park, this is Kim Seokjin from the Kim Electrics. My father and I had been wondering whether it would be a good idea to collab with your own business." My father flew up, his hands on his head. He looked at me with wide eyes, "Kim?" He mouthed, and I nodded, trying to hide my confusion. 

"Mr Park?" Jin asked on the other line. My father cleared his throat, "yes. Um, why don't we meet tomorrow? We can talk about this then."


A/N: I can explain...

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