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It was the night of October 12th; Sora could only remember it because it was the day before Jimin's birthday. The two were half-siblings, and not always on the best terms. At first, when Sora was taken from her mother and into her father's mansion, Jimin was taught to despise her as Sora had been an "accident" from an affair of his father's. It was told that their father was looked down upon in the industry for leaving his child behind, but everyone knew it would've been better for the child to stay with her mother.

So, how did the half-siblings become closer? Well, as clear as it is, Mr Yoon was a very unfaithful man, and it pushed his beloved wife to find a better place. After that, Jimin built walls against everyone, and no one bothered to break them down (except stubborn Sora of course).

But that's not what this flashback is about, it's about the night that changed both of the sibling lives--

"Jimin-oppa!" 13 year old Sora hissed, watching her brother open his bedroom window. The security back then was much more lenient, so Jimin's escape had been easier. The boy wanted nothing to do with the cruel company that his father controlled, and his only wish was to find a normal life – for both him, and his sister. Jimin enveloped the girl in his arms, knowing she was crying, and stroked her hair. After the embrace, he kissed her forehead and put on a fake smile, "you and me both know I can't stay here. But I promise you, I'll come back when the time is right."  The girl nodded, wiping away her tears, and plastered on a smile to show she was to be strong. The boy nodded, picked up his duffel bag and, without looking back, jumped out the window. Not to worry, he only landed in some bushes and ran for his life in a secret getaway car.

"I can't believe you brought her here." I heard Jimin sigh. His voice seemed distant, so I guessed that everyone was in another room. "V wants to see her too," I heard someone (guess: Suga) speak. "Plus, it's not like they would give two shits now." J-hope spoke, before a paper was tossed. I opened my eyes, seeing an unfamiliar room. This room was smaller than all the rooms I had been to. It seemed more like a box than a bedroom; the walls were a decaying cream and, from looking around, there was only a bed and a wallsized shelf (filled with random books and papers).

"Oh, you're awake." I snapped my head towards the voice, a polite smile on my face when seeing a joyful Jin in that pink apron that he was wearing on our first meet. "Breakfast will be ready soon, you can stay in bed all you want." I heard a scoff on the other side of the door, "yet I was forced out of bed an hour ago-- ow!" I held in a laugh when seeing Jin smack the person behind the door. Jin shot me another smile, before leaving and closing the door. I didn't even get time to release a full breath, until the door opened again. This time, my breath hitched at the person. Jimin pressed his lips into a tight line, before sitting down in the corner of the bed I was on.

"How is it? Not really like the mansion you're used to, right?" He joked, but when seeing my reaction, he bit his lip. "I'm sorry--"

"Don't be." I smiled as much I could, "I'm just happy you fulfilled your wish." Jimin nodded, "yeah, it had been a long 6 years. But we'll be ok now, the both of us." I sat up, brushing down my bed hair, "but I'm not needed anymore, dad had already announced I'm dead." Jimin scoffed, "I guess he couldn't keep the both of us, no matter how much he tried." He turned his head to look at me, "and don't worry, you're already part of this crazy family." The both of us laughed, before Jimin told me to get ready and that the guy called V would be coming back this evening.


"Why is his name a letter?" I asked, devouring the last pieces of one of the largest waffles I ever ate. Jimin chuckled, reaching over with a tissue to wipe away the chocolate at the corner of my mouth. "He doesn't like using his real name." Suga replied, too busy cutting his own waffle. I remained silent, so did the rest, knowing Suga wasn't someone to argue with. While eating, my mind wandered towards Kim Taehyung. How is he in Gwangju? What kind of work does he do? Will he even bother looking for me? All those thoughts vanished, however, when Jin cleared his throat.

"How long are we going to keep the poor girl in those clothes?" My eyes travelled to what I was wearing; Jimin had given me one of his jumpers and I was still wearing the jeans I wore on the night I ran away. I gulped when seeing the others look at me too, before Jin spoke, "Jungkook, Jimin, you two are to take her to the mall and make sure she buys enough clothes for a month." Jungkook was the first to protest, "why can't you take her?"Jin shot him a glare, obviously trying to keep his cool, "I have business to attend to. You want to keep living here, don't you?" Jungkook kept his gaze on Jin, but soon backed down and got up.

"Be ready in 5 minutes." He left, leaving the other males to sigh and for me to stay frozen with fear. "Does he not like me?" I asked, receiving apologetic looks from everyone but Suga.


A/N: Another update 'cause I'm in the spirit of finishing this story. V would be coming back into the story sooon and from then on it'll become a mess and then happy ending? maybe :P

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