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Jungkook's jaw clenched, standing by whilst watching Jimin help out his sister in finding clothes. He was still anxious around the new girl, making remarks here and there was a coping mechanism, whilst staying silent was the only way to control himself from ambushing anyone.

"What about this one?" Sora picked up a black shirt with the logo of a brand casted over the front in white. Jimin smiled, reaching his hand out to hang the piece of clothing on his arm like the other ones. The two didn't really "catch up" like you would expect them to, instead focusing to the issue at hand. It had been a hard few months for Jimin (and the rest of the gang in fact) but he had a feeling it was slowly getting better, please let it get better.

The three were nearing the exit, Jimin and Sora holding two bags each, while Jungkook was trying to suppress his internal hunger. Should've finished your breakfast, a mocking voice - which the boy identified as Jin's - popped out in his head. The three were so close to the exit, so close, before Jungkook's stomach gave out a rumble that Sora was sure everyone in the shopping mall could hear. Jimin began to laugh, so much that his body lost control and he found himself on the ground.

"Ey Kook, you hungry?" Sora asked, biting down on her lip to hide her own smile. Jungkook let out a long sigh, but still let out a low: "yes."


"I've never eaten anything like this." Sora made out, stuffing her face with fries and the Big Mac she ordered from the mall's Mcdonald's. Jimin chuckled, dipping his chicken nuggets in bbq sauce. A vibration in his jeans pocket made him stop, quickly wiping his fingers before sliding his phone out in attempts to see the caller ID. His eyes widened.

"I need to go to the toilet guys, I'll be right back." Jimin zoomed off, not even knowing where the toilet was. He found a corner, then put on a poker face and pressed the green button on his phone.


"You've got the girl." Grey's deep smirk could almost be heard from the other line, "but don't worry, we don't need her." Jimin silenced his gulp, "what do you need then?"

"The necklace is where the reward is at now--" Jimin heard a couple of coughs before Grey returned, "bring the necklace to me and your little family won't get hurt."

And then he hung up.


Sora stared at the boy in front of her, pouting as he didn't seem to care one bit.

"Do you have a problem with me?" Jungkook's eyes shot up, one eyebrow cocked. He scoffed, "you tell me." Sora stuffed the last of her fries in her mouth, "I think you do." Jungkook ignored her.

"But why? I haven't done anything to you."

"Yet." Jungkook grabbed a tissue to wipe his mouth, "it's always just fun and games at the start. Then you kill a family." Sora's eyes widened, mouth ajar at the thought the kid had of her. What happened to him? Jungkook internally scolded himself, you didn't have to go that far.

"I'm sorry," Sora became even more shocked by Jungkook's words. "I don't feel very comfortable with females, ever since..." Sora tilted her head, "since what?" Jungkook made a little debate in his head. He didn't want to tell a girl something that only a few members of the gang knew, but it seemed safe. Weirdly.

"A girl I loved. She was a gang member, worked for her uncle. I was a rich kid, thought I could help her out," Jungkook let out a bittersweet laugh to melt the tears away, "I was helping her. I was helping her get closer to my family, and eventually, take them away from me by two single bullets." Sora gulped, processing all the information.


"After that I ran away, not being able to live with the guilt and inherit my parents' riches." Sora looked down, feeling bad for asking now, and Jungkook smiled at how genuine she was. "It's okay though, would've died one way or another." Sora gasped, hitting the boy around the head, "don't say such things!" Jungkook scowled, but laughed silently at her reaction.


"I'm home!" Taehyung cheered, receiving silence in exchange for the rowdy hideout he shared with 5 other men. "Ey, did everyone die?" Taehyung made his way to the kitchen, jar dropping as he saw Jin's broad shoulders.

"Jin-hyung!" The younger rushed to hug Jin, nearly pushing him into the kitchen isle. "Oh, you're back." Was all that Jin said, going back to decorating the blueberry cake he made. Taehyugn pouted, ruffling his already messy hair before proceeding to Suga's room.

"Suga-hyung-- eek." Taehyung closed the door as soon as he openned it, seeing that the male was asleep - and no one touches Suga when he is asleep. Taehyung sighed. But his spirit lifted when hearing the door open again and familiar voices entering. He made his way to the slim corridor, his eyes lit as he heard Jimin's voice. Jimin and Jungkook, yes!

"HI GUYS--" The boy stopped midway of his jump, eyes wide at seeing a certain someone. A certain someone he had heard of, met, and then suddenly saw in front of him standing next to his friends. The certain someone mirroring his expression.



A/N: I'm supposed to be revising for two tests tomorrow wth :")

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