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A/N: What a lengthy ass chapter...


"Tell me again, why are we at an isolated hotel instead of your apartment?" I questioned, whilst Taehyung dragged me away from the helicopter; as it flew away from our destination. But the latter didn't reply. Instead, I waited until he had talked to the creepy receptionist lady, watching the wrinkles on the woman's face moved while she talked.

"One bed?" She asked, tapping at her desk computer when Taehyung nodded. "Second floor, room twenty-four." She handed him the key, and the two of us thanked her before going up the stairs to find our room.

"That apartment was only momentary. I needed an excuse to leave, anyway." He unlocked the door, holding the door open for me to enter. The door clicked close, and the room suddenly went dark, no light coming from the window except from a faraway lamp post that shone bright enough for me to see the single bed in the room. Suddenly, I felt hands snake around my waist and I was pulled into Taehyung. I felt a chill go down my spine when he began whispering into my ear:

"I missed you." he spoke softly, turning me around to face him. He gulped, and I used to the little bit of light available to watch his eyes analyse my face. I could see it in his eyes; he wanted to see if I was alright. Slowly, he leaned, his lips gently brushing mine. We moved carefully, as if the affection was as fragile as porcelain. When the back of legs hit the bed, I fell on top the bed and Taehyung had instantly found his way on top of me. His hand caressed my thigh, and automatically I let out a gasp. His lips had averted their attention to leaving light butterfly kisses from the crown of my head to my collar bone. I opened my eyes, slipping the shirt Tae was wearing, after changing in the helicopter. I froze.

My eyes widened at the amount of scars that decorated the man's upper chest. Taehyung had shivered under my touch, and I fell bad for whatever had happened to him. My mouth opened slightly, seeing a bandage wrapped around his torso. He winced when I touched the cotton bandage. I bit my lip, sitting up to be the same level at him.

"Let's wait until you're healed." I chuckled, watching the grown man's face fell and his bottom lip quivered. I quickly pecked him on the lips, "and anyways, I'm not entirely of age yet." The two of us plopped down on the bed again, with Taehyung refusing to put his shirt on while fiddling in the small shoulder bag he bought.

"According to this," he waved a familiar small notebook in his hand, "your birthday is today." He flicked through the first few pages, displaying the page where I had stuck the personal details of Park Sora. I tsked, remembering how I did that when to get out of trouble with police. My birthdate had been changed to match my late grandmother's, which was today, after my father's big mouth had boasted about it to the news falsely.

"You had that notebook before you went to Japan," I said, tapping my chin suspiciously, "how long did you know then?"

Taehyung shrugged, "I knew enough to have my suspicions, but I had doubts," he paused, getting under the covers of the bed, "I mean, that Park Sora's birthday was in April, and my Sora's birthday was on the 25th of May." I copied his actions and got under the cover too, not before taking off my shoes of course. A tingly feeling played in my chest, his words echoeing in my head.

"Your Sora?" I asked, but surprisingly, the latter didn't answer and, instead, had began to breathe heavily with his eyes closed. I held in a laugh, gently brushing his dark brown locks off his forehead.


I puffed out my cheeks, fiddling with Taehyung's hand that was originally holding mine. We were on the bus now, headed to God knows where. I was still half asleep, since it was nine in the morning and I had woken up at seven. Taehyung had instructed me to wear a mask, just in case my father had decided to let out a search team for me. I had no idea what town or city we were in, but I definitely knew it wasn't Seoul anymore. Earlier on, Taehyung and I stopped by a phone booth to call the rest of the guys. I got to speak with each one of them, and was glad that everyone was alright and that they were actually having breakfast. I had even heard, from a trusted source (ahem J-Hope), that Claire and Grey had been talking and enjoying time together.

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