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"Are you serious?" Claire snorted, "I'm not talking to him."

"We know the two of you aren't on the best of terms," J-hope begged on his knees. "But this is for our friend, and a sister."

Claire huffed, kicking the rocks against her feet. As she knocked on the gate; told the guard why she was there; got ushered in without question; and waited in the office, she pondered about what her life became.


Claire Everest, a half Irish-half American girl who was bought to the country of her dreams at the age of 15. Her father, a businessman sent to Ireland to manage the company branch, had been repositioned to South Korea. It didn't bother Claire how afraid and almost pleading her father was to her mother. Even moving half across the world wasn't something she minded, since (secretly) the girl had trouble with making friends and was always the victim of verbal bullying. And so, the Everest family moved to South Korea.

Claire looked out the window of the cab that drove her and her parents to their new household, admiring the lights and skyscrapers that filled the city of Seoul. It was only in a matter of seconds that Claire's body made impact with the car's window, as the car flipped over and landed on its back with a crash. No matter how much she tried to erase it, Claire could still picture the blood trickling down her mother's face and how the cab driver and her were the only one's who ended up alive.

"Who's this little girl?" A man, most likely in his late thirties, strolled over to Claire (a month after she had been living on the streets). He put his thick arm around her shoulders, weighing her poor body down. "How about you come with me? Doesn't seem like you have anywhere else to go." Claire was thankful she had fluently learned Korean by the time she ended up in this situation. "Please don't." Was all she could make out, before passing out right there and then.


Grey sat down on the chair in front of her, his chest tightening at the sight. In his eyes, and everyone elses, Claire was a strong woman who had shown him what feeling really was. To say he wanted to hug her and never let her go was an understatement. But no matter how he felt, it so happened that their fate bought them in this difficult situation.


"I think she's waking up," Grey's eyes lit up, watching the mystery girl's brows furrow as she opened her eyes. "Woah." Was all he said, once the girl's eyes widened to reveal beautiful, large, hazel eyes. The girl looked older than him, but it wasn't as if he could tell a difference when he lived with grown men. "Ey," Grey turned, seeing Jim (one of the men he lived with) with a plate of food. "Give her some space, she must be freaked out." The two spoke in English, which kind of freaked Claire out. Jim reached out the plate of what looked like rice mixed with vegetables, but Claire was as confused as a puppy, which led to Grey to feeding her.


"You look well Claire," Grey coughed out, his facade lost. "What brings you here?" Claire heaved a breath, focusing on the little pot with a pink flower in it. She smiled softly once noticing it, I love pink. But her smile faded when remembering who she was with and, with a cocked eyebrow, she turned to face Grey.

"You seem to be keeping my friends as hostages." Grey thought for a moment, before choking out a laugh. "Are you really friends with them?" Grey's blue eyes darkened, something that happened when he was angry, "are you doing it for them?" Claire's face froze, "are you really bringing personal matters into work." Claire jumped when Grey's fist hit the table.

"Isn't that being hypocritical?" He gritted his teeth, trying to control himself. He stood up, scraping the chair back. "You know this is how the business goes, don't interfere." Grey began to walk out, only to stop when Claire's hand lightly held his arm. He froze at her touch, not being able to resist it anymore. Don't Grey, she's using you.

"Haven't you missed me? Even a bit?" Claire began her approach, mentally beating herself up for doing this, it's just payback, just payback...

Grey looked down at her, focusing on the shimmer in her hazel eyes. He couldn't control himself anymore. Muttering a, "fuck it," before lifting Claire on the table and forcefully planting his lips on hers. Claire kissed back, half desiring and half regretting her actions that day. Lifting the sweater she was wearing from behind her back, she took out the syringe that she had hid. Stupidly, the guards had known of her and would've let her pass through without checking.

A tear escaped, slipping down her face until Grey could taste it in the kiss. He pulled away, hurt written on his face when seeing Claire all teary. He had only seen her once like this, and he swore to never again. "Hey, why you crying?" He hugged the woman, stroking her head soothingly. As if on cue, a siren went off and the whole headquarters became louder.

"I'm sorry." Claire whispered, jabbing the syringe in Grey's open neck. Grey couldn't have even reacted, before falling onto Claire. Not thinking twice, Claire dropped Grey and  began to search for the keys that locked this room.


Shit. Claire ran to the door, locking it fully before the knocking began. Now, where was that vent? Claire looked around, finding a vent in the right corner of the room. It was high enough for her to kick it down, which she did in one single sling. She heard the guards trying to break the door down, no time to waste. She crawled into the vent, instantly coughing from all the dust.

She remembered Jimin's words: left, left, right, and keep going 'til you see a room with them in it. She had asked how he would've known.

"Blue prints and... Experience."

It made her stomach turn from thinking of what Grey had done without her knowing.


"You k-killed him?"  Claire covered her mouth in fear, looking at the distraught Grey. Claire had been living under a gang leader's roof for four years now. She had the chance to go to high school, not with Grey as he went to an all-boy's school, but it was good enough for her to make some friends (ahem, Hoseok). Grey however, being a year older (now looking it), had started adulthood with joining the gang events that were happening.

"I had to,"  Grey mumbled, "I had to, he would've come back eventually."  Claire shook her head in disbelief, "I can't believe this." She stood up, going out of the living room just to be stopped by Grey. He wrapped his arms around her, "what are you doing?"  Claire shook him off, not bearing to be touched by a killer, "I'm getting  out of here."

"Babe!" Grey ran after her.


"Took you long enough." J-hope scoffed, only to be hit by Jin. Claire jumped back, suddenly having herself enveloped by V's arms. "It's been so long noona!" He let go, stepping back to reveal Sora, "this is Sora--"

"I know," Claire smiled at the girl sweetly, "I did her hair." V looked over at Hyeri, his eyes widening, "your hair changed!"  Everyone laughed, before a slam of the door falling down made their heads turn. All of a sudden fog filled the air, and the last thing Claire saw was a fuzzy vision of someone slender carrying Sora.

A/N: ISTG I would make a Grey and Claire story talking about their past but idk idk

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