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I'm back~


It was a summer day this time. Sora stood in the mist of a clouded dream, recalling the area to be the backyard of the mansion she once lived in. It was when the grass was still the bright green; when the water fountain in the middle let out crystal blue water; when the flowers seemed more beautiful than anything. Sora smiled at the view, but her tranquility was cut off by the sudden ambush of loud crying.

"My castle!" Sora's vision instantly averted to the pair of kids standing in a large sandpit. A small girl in a delicate baby blue dress crouched down next to a pile of sand which was once a castle. Next to her stood a boy, looking down at it with disgust.

"It was rubbish anyway, you can never do anything good! That's why daddy abandoned you in the first place!" The boy's mocking brought a pang to Sora's heart. The girl pouted, wiping her tears. All of a sudden, the boy ran off with a smile, joyfully yelling "mother!" as he past straight through Sora. Her body moved on its own to follow the boy, who was now hugging the knees of a woman whose face was covered by a large sun hat. Sora turned back to the girl in the sandpit, who was silently watching the other two walk inside without concerning her.

I woke up with my eyes feeling wet. The clicking of a computer keyboard made me open my eyes. Looking around, I definitely knew I wasn't in the room I slept in last night. This room was smaller, the bed was harder, and shelves (filled with various books and figurines) surrounded me. When I began to get up, I noticed I wasn't alone. I frowned when seeing the cold smirk on the male's face.

"Finally." The male chuckled, fiddling with the pen in his hand. "I don't think we've properly met yet, the name's J-Hope." I nodded, sure that there was no need to say who I was. "Why am I here?" I asked, tasting the dryness in my mouth. That question should've been answered the first time I was "kidnapped" – but now is also a good time. J-Hope hesitated, moving his lips as he thought, "you need to be hidden for now." My eyebrows furrowed, not sure why I was so important to be hidden. I couldn't ask further, since the door of J-Hope's bedroom opened and Jin's head popped in. We both exchanged quick smiles, before he turned to J-Hope.

"He's gone but," Jin sighed, "I don't think he's up for it yet." J-Hope scoffed, rolling his eyes at whatever he just heard. I, myself, was confused as ever. Who? "Can't anyone explain what's going on her?" The two laughed in response, making me even more frustrated.

"No can do, princess." J-Hope stood up, "But here's what we are going to do: fix that horrible look of yours."


"Where exactly are we going?" I whined as J-Hope dragged me by the wrist towards an underground building. He didn't answer though, which annoyed me a bit, but I kept quiet since I knew it wouldn't change anything. As we reached a wooden door, which had red paint flaking off at the top in an ombre effect, all I could think of was the unresistable stench coming from the sewer nearby. J-Hope knocked on the door three times, before a door opened just enough for an eye to peek through. I watched in awe as the brown eye rolled and annoyed groan was heard from the other side.

"What do you want?" A frustrated female voice called out. J-Hope smiled, before he pushed me in front of him so that the female could have a look at me. Becoming incredibly shy, I bit my lip as the brown eye stared right into my soul. Then the door shut. Then we heard the sound of metal chain sliding through. Then the door opened to reveal a female who didn't look Asian at all. The slight light coming from within the door made the ginger in her hair shimmer; her overall aura gave out the image of an independant woman. Her eyebrows arched upwards, making her seem intimidating, which made me shy away again.

"Come in." The change of tone in her voice surprised me, but I followed her deeper into the place behind the door. She led to a small, square-like, room with a large mirror hung on the wall opposite the doorway and a stool beside it. Looking at all the brushes, scissors, and hair dye – I knew it was a hair salon. There was another doorway near the mirror and – even with the dark interior of the room we were in –there was a bright light in the room that the doorway led to.

"Sit." The woman with the ginger hair instructed me, spraying the pair of scissors she picked up. There were so many questions in my head: why am I here? Is she going to do something to my hair? But those felt stupid to ask, so I just obeyed her orders. I sat on the stool, my legs swinging from the height, and looked into the mirror. I was a mess. It was clear I haven't looked at myself in two days. I flinched when the woman turned the stool so that my back was facing the mirror. She instructed me to lean back – and I did until my head was laying on cold metal. I began to panic, only to hear water running right beside me and feeling the water soak into my hair.

"How have you been Claire?" I heard J-Hope ask the woman, but their conversation merely flowed to one of my ears and out the other as I just enjoyed the tranquility I was in. I opened my eyes, seeing the woman named Claire sneer, "been fine until just now." J-Hope scoffed, "have you heard from him?" Claire shook her head, and I witnessed a slight sparkle in her eye as she kept looking at me. I was still in awe at her beauty. The way her small nose was cutely proportional to her thin lips, which stretched when she pressed her lips into a thin line. The water stopped and Claire told me to sit back up again, and began to brush my hair.

"What's the story with this one?" Claire asked. J-Hope stood by me, and looked straight into my eyes, "runaway." Was all he said. My lips pulled down in a frown, am I going to be that for the rest of my sad life now? My mind wandered to Taehyung – where was he? He wouldn't be back for another few days, so I was stuck being this gang's play toy for the time. I pondered until the click of the door opening snapped me back to reality. From my peripheral vision, I saw a man walk to the doorway next to the mirror without saying a word.

"Who's that?" I surprised even myself by asking. Claire smiled, beginning to cut away my split ends, "that's Kang Cheol, the mute tattoo artist around here-- pretty well-known." I hummed in response, trying not to move my head as much. "What's your name, hun?" Claire bent down to my eye level, letting me see the hints of green in her brown eyes. Hazel.

"S-Sora." Claire's lips tugged upwards, sending a tingling sensation down my spine. "Well Sora," she walked to where the hair dye was, "navy or cherry?"

A/N: Yoooooo I'm back from my hiatus :)) I was supposed to update tomorrow but I felt good today so here it is!!! Navy or cherry?? I wonder...

Btw!! Since it has been a year I have joined Wattpad, I wanted to do something for you guys!! Pls check out the chapter before for details (ends on the end of October).

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