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My back felt sore as it arched back when I groaned from all the pain my awakening body felt. Usually, the sun would be burning down my eyelids, like every other morning in the mansion, but all I felt was darkness. I felt numb. Trying to bring my hands up to my face, I felt the cold metal around my wrists pull them back down to my sides.

Where the hell am I?

My body froze when I heard a door creak open and slam against something, then I heard a voice snap.

"We nearly lost her again because of you, doofus." I heard something scrape against the floor, stopping a few metres away from me.

"Shut up hyung, you didn't help with all your complaining."

"The girls weighs a tonne!" I rolled my eyes at the statement, my eyes still only seeing pitch black. The room fell silent, until I heard a groan from the one sitting next to me.

"When is she going to finally wake up and thank us?" I heard the other chuckle.

"Yeah, who knows what Grey would've done to her if we didn't come."

"She would be a sex slave for life."

My eyes widened and I unconsciously tensed, making my handcuffs shake and alarm the two.

"She's awake." I heard the one nearest to me breathe out, whichever one that was.

"Go get RM-hyung"

"Why me?" I heard the latter whine out. "I'm not your bitch to boss around." I heard the other groan.

"Right now is not the fucking time, hyung!" The one, that was now towering over me, yelled and I sensed the other leave whilst mumbling something to himself. I began to freak out, tugging at my handcuffs and trying to scream out only to realise my mouth was taped shut.

"Stop moving or it'll hurt more." I froze at that, feeling hands grab my right arm.


I was now tied to a chair, after being choked with chloroform until I passed out again. I didn't even get to see who my kidnappers were. And when I finally regained my consciousness, I opened my eyes to a darkly lit square room. A lightbulb hung low above me, giving off the only light in the room. I looked around, making out figures within the darkness. All I saw were silhouettes, a tall figure sitting on a chair with his leg propped on top of the other one, two figures standing on either side of his side. One stood stern, his tall figure doing him justice as he intimidated me. The other leaned onto his left leg, arms at his hips.

"Are you okay?" I snapped back to the moment when I heard a stern voice. I guessed it was the man that was sitting. I blinked at the question, not sure if I was okay with my situation right now. I mean, I was tied to a chair and my whole body was still sore from the fight last time. But I felt like I wouldn't be hurt here.

I think.

"We can't help if you're not gonna speak." The man pushed on, his voice still patient. I gulped, noticing how my throat felt dry and it felt so unfamiliar to feel my voice box to vibrate again.

"I'm thirsty." I made out, my voice hoarse. The man nodded, then looked over to the stern one, who walked deeper into the darkness. It took him a few long seconds before he came back into my view, this time walking into the light with a plastic cup. My eyes squinted as he came closer, trying to memorise his features. He was well built, a large black shirt draping over his muscular shoulders and ripped skinny jeans doing justice to his thick thighs. Looking up, I noticed his lips first, then his large eyes and dishevelled brown hair.

He walked closer to me and put the plastic cup against my lips, his fingers gently guiding my jaw up as the cup tilted for the water to trickle down. It felt so refreshing, I closed my eyes to fully enjoy the tasteless liquid. I felt it all. The liquid flow through my body and give me a tad bit of life, before it all ended. The boy stepped back and walked back to the sitting man's side.

"Anything else?" The man sitting down asked. I thought for a moment.

To push it or not to push it?

"You know," I began, my voice and some of my confident coming back. "It's not that comfortable to sit with your hands tied behind you, especially after you got beat up." I heard the man chuckle, losing all hope in myself and my request. It was surprising when he nodded towards the man leaning on his foot.

"Are you ser-"

"It's okay, she won't go anywhere."

The man approached me, his face showing disgust as he walked behind and started to untie the rope. This man had the same brown hair as the other, but his cheeks were chubbier and his physique was skinnier.

I felt the ropes loosen at once, sensing the blood rush to my hands. I felt a tingling sensation as I focused on moving my hands before me. Examining them, there were plasters over the wounds I got and a bandage casted over my right lower arm. I looked over to the silhouettes, stunned. I thought I heard the man scoff.

"We fixed you up."

"We?" I snapped my head to the direction of a man leaning against a doorframe, light from the outside letting me see him. He also had brown hair, that was neatly styled to cover his forehead. He had broad shoulders and a dirty pink apron wrapped around his waist.

"Jin, what are you doing-"

"It's hyung to you, RM-ssi." I observed carefully as the two got distracted by their conversation. I took in the fact that the man that was sitting was called RM, and the other man was called Jin. I heard RM sigh, meanwhile Jin looked like he was angry, swinging a ladle around in his arm.

"Are you still mad about the bathroom door?"

"Yes, this is the 12th time you broke it since we moved here and we've only been here for 5 months!" Jin's face went red, his ladle pointing towards RM, who sunk into his chair.

"This is so embarrassing." He mumbled.

"You know what's more embarrassing? Not being able to shit peacefully without hearing hyung at least 3 times!" I held back my laugh as the two fell silent. I pursed my lips from smiling as Jin took deep breaths before smiling over at me. I panicked, got up on my aching feet and bowed 90 degrees. I saw Jin muffle a laugh, before turning his attention to other three males in the room.

"Guys, dinner." He looked over to me, his sweet smile back. "You too." My eyes widened, trying to reject but he had already left.

Shit, I'm about to have dinner with my kidnappers.


A/N: I was smiling so wide while writing this :D I've been waiting for this part to come for so long and I'm thinking to double update today since I'm so in love with this story. So watch out guys ;)

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