June 10th 2016- On a cruise ship to Thailand...?

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I had a dream where me, my brother, and my dad went on a long extravagant cruise ship adventure to Thailand for some reason.

While we were on the ship, everyone on it were rallied into a large room, where we would parade around the room in different colors- depending on which season we loved most. Yes, we were doing a parading competition to see what season was the best on a cruise ship.

I believe that Winter people wore light blue, Summer people wore yellow, Spring people wore green, and Fall people wore a reddish-brown color. Me, my dad, and my brother were on the Fall team, which won.

So we had to take a gigantic parade around the cruise ship until we came to a large window. Outside there was a snowy village? Not being confused at all, my brother and I desperately wanted to go outside. But dad wouldn't let us.

Finally, our cruise ship arrives in Thailand. Dad leaves the ship without us, so we have to go track him down. Luckily for us, there were small.. Carriages... On tracks for us to ride. So we rode to a restaurant where you could sell video games, and found dad.

And then, before we could do anything else, my real life dad interrupts my dream by walking into my room.

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