April 4, 2020- weird bits and pieces

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I don't remember much about this dream other than bits and pieces but I wish I did because it is so weirddddd. I'm also gonna stitch it together with another dream I had on April 3rd because it takes place at school too.

so here's some stuff that happened:

-i was playing minecraft on a server and me and like 5 other people were roleplaying as characters from Jojo's bizarre adventure. One person had a Kakyoin skin and another person had a Jotaro Kujo skin. 

-i woke up (in the dream) and was like "oh that was a dream that was weird"

-i checked my phone and i got a text from Toby Fox saying something about the coronavirus (???)

-i watched a crappy CGI movie about Bigfoot 

-i went to school, even though at the time of me having this dream i hadn't been to school in a month

-I told my friend irl about the dream 

-we walked through the hallways talking

-we went to lunch and I was like "Oh yeah it's September, A.K.A time for my annually scheduled food fight with [insert name of a kid i took geometry with] (let's call him Brian)"

-we had a food fight and i was running away from Brian and literally got up on a table and pushed myself into trays of food that were sitting on the table. There were people sitting at the table too.

-A teacher finally caught me and I got in trouble.

-Brian asks me to pay for some food that he got from the lunch line. I say "ok" and go to the lunch line

-I don't ask or even wonder how he managed to get three full sized salads without paying for it

-I buy the food and then lunch ends. I have to head to math class.

-On the way to math class I notice that my teacher from 2nd grade has a class at this school, so I go and visit her.

-But when I walk through her door, I notice that I have retainers in my mouth and they're in my mouth incorrectly so I try to adjust them

-But i can't just do that discreetly so I go to the bathroom to take them out

-inside the bathroom are three kids, probably aged around 9.

-I put my retainers in the bathroom and head back to class.

-I noticed the bell rang. I'm definitely late now, I think.

-I walk back into my 2nd grade teachers room and talk with her for a bit.

-"Why are there kids in the bathroom?" I ask

-"Those are my kids. They are only legally required to go to school for 8 minutes to an hour a day so they spend their time in there."

-I invite her to play minecraft on my laptop.

-but for some reason I can't get my laptop to work, every button I click does what I don't want it to do

-I get kind of flustered because I'm doing everything wrong

-The teacher gets annoyed with me and escorts me to my math class

-I'm late to class. My math teacher takes my laptop and says, "you'll get this at the end of class."

-I take a seat. On the wall is a crudely drawn picture of a dinosaur.

-I had drawn the dinosaur. I wonder why I ever gave it to the teacher and even more why she had put it on the wall.

-I wake up for real.

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