May 27 2019- REALLY?!

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I had a dream that it was the last day of my freshman year in high school and I was in a rush to get to the bus and leave, but my world history teacher Mr. J (he was a terrible teacher btw) was in the hallway forcing passing students to sit down against the walls and watch him give a presentation about the decomposing powers of pineapples.

This isn't even history, this is science he's giving a presentation on. I noticed my brother was also having to sit down and listen to the presentation.
Mr. J said we would only be listening to the presentation for "a hot minute."

40 minutes had passed and we had not been able to leave.
While he was giving it my brother started leaving so I said, "that's been some minute, hasn't it?" And ran off with my brother to exit the building.
As I left I worried that the disrespect would hurt my grade as my brother assured me it wouldn't have an effect on it.
Then I woke up

Odd Dreams that I've HadWhere stories live. Discover now