July 3rd, 2020- 5th Grade Again

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In this dream it was the beginning of the school year, and in order to get more credits so I would have a better college selection, I needed to take some classes that were offered in fifth grade.

Another kid in my grade, we'll call him Will, had the same idea and got in the same class as me: Mrs. Hannah. I walked with him up onto the 2nd floor of my elementary school for the first time since 2015 and entered the 5th grade hallway, looking at all the classrooms.

The hallway was very small compared to the long high school hallways I was used to. There were only 4 classrooms in the entire hall. One of them was a German class, and I wondered if I could get a credit if I took that.

I walked into Mrs. Hannah's class with Will and sat down at a table with two other fifth graders. None of them have us questioning looks. I wonder if they think I am a fifth grader too. (I wouldn't be surprised. About two months ago I was asked if I wanted a kids menu at Olive Garden.)

A girl with white-blonde hair talks with us. I don't remember what we were talking about. I have a ton of questions and I want to ask them to Will but he takes out a pink and blue 3DS and starts playing Pokémon on it.

"Will!" I whisper-yell.
"What credits do we get from this class? And how are we supposed to complete a full year of fifth grade and a full year of 11th grade in the same year??"
He is still playing Pokémon. He doesn't answer any of my questions.

Mrs. Hannah notices us and says, "Quiet down, you two."

I'm still so confused. At this point in the dream I don't ever wonder why I never discussed this with my parents nor how in the world they ever agreed to this happening in the first place.

Mrs. Hannah starts teaching. For the life of me I can't understand what she's trying to teach. I don't even know what subject she teaches. It's like I'm mega zoned-out, except even when I listen in it just sounds like a bunch of words, not coherent sentences.

But it seems like the rest of the class understands. She starts calling on students to list reasons why something-or-other is the case, and I try not to look conspicuous so she won't call on me.

I doodle in my notebook, and with a sparkly green pen, I write « comme c'est ennuyeux comme le théâtre !» (this is boring like theatre!) on the page in big letters. I don't know why I wrote that. It's not like I have any grudges against theatre. Except the quarter long theatre class I was forced to do all three years of middle school.

Anyway, after that I don't really remember what else happened. It's all a blur. I do wish I got to see more of what happened, though. It sounds like the basis of some kind of comedy show, having a high schooler retake fifth grade for some reason.

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