September 26th- The scary fireworks party

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I had literally the most blood rushing dream ever. It was that there was a huge building right behind my school where some kind of cult kept torpedoes, rockets, and dangerous fireworks. Nobody knew stuff like that was in the building until one day my entire school woke up in the heart of the building.

According to the news, they would set off their explosives at certain times and that we would have to evacuate the building immediately. It seemed that the people who trapped us inside were not there, so I took one of my friends and tried to get out.

There were a bunch of elevators with numbers on them and you needed to have some sort of pass with the elevator number on it. However, anything with the elevator number on it would work, even a regular piece of paper. Everyone received one pass.  I searched the floor for any dropped passes.

The building was a maze and would not let us out easily. By the time we escaped, there had been two rounds of explosives released. The sky turned a deep gray color. When we were out they were planning on releasing a third huge round as a finale and it was aimed at the school.

My friend and I stood at the foot of the school's back door and watched as fireworks and other things were shot down at the school. I don't really remembered what happened after that •_•

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