November 24 2019, A lot of stuff

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Guys last night I was so freaking tired bc I was tryna be productive all day and at like 12:00 I was like omg I'm going to keel over and die so I crawled into bed and basically had the free trial of death.

Anyway I know a lot of stuff happened in this dream, I'm pretty sure it was multiple dreams, but I can't remember it very clearly D:

So here's some stuff I do remember happening

-I was roommates with my friend irl R, and another person who was really funny. We kept on messing with each other and the other roommate made some hilarious animations on flip note studio I wish I could see them irl :(

-our school had recess and the fields and playgrounds were huge. Me and R went over to a playground that didn't have many people but then remembered we had an essay to write so we warned the other people in the playground about the essay

-There were cherry flavored candies that were meant to look like jalapeño peppers in my house

Odd Dreams that I've HadWhere stories live. Discover now