Chapter 5 Weirdest Thing

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Log 4; May 8th year 2225,

"Today is a new day, I woke up prepared to work hard. My whole mood shifted however due to what I assume was rustling bushes. With fierce determination I grabbed my spear and looked forward to my surroundings. To my surprise there were some big sturdy branches by the foot of the tree I now call home. I also found a dagger. It was excellent craftsmanship the handle wrapped in gold and blue twine with a few charms hanging from it, one in the shape of a moon and the other a yin yang symbol. How strange. Anyway, I picked up the dagger and made a loop for it on my belt. I then used the branches for my shelter once I cut them to shape and secured them with vines from the trees here. I was satisfied with my work on the floor as I was greeted by the rain. I am happy that I have the floor of my home somewhat complete and the shelter of these trees. My hard work is paying off. Now I just need to find more logs and vines for the walls and roof of my tree fort. As I took a break I wondered how I kept finding these artifacts without even going deeper into the forest. Maybe the people that used to live here stayed close to the shore as well. Maybe there is something weird or dangerous at the center of this island. I really don't understand who or what left the materials either as I have looked around my base for any signs of other people. I might not be looking hard enough though as I have been focused on making my tree fort. As much as I am worried about being stalked i'm more worried about having shelter. I'm sure it's fine as i've been left with useful tools. Whoever is doing this could have just as easily burned my shelter down or killed me in the middle of the night. Thats enough thinking for tonight, I'm going to check my traps and cook dinner."

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