Chapter 28 Oh Gretta

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I woke up in my hut thank goodness. I got up, I brushed out my hair and wondered if it would be a good idea to see if Jack would do my hair again. I got dressed and decided it couldn't hurt to ask. I knocked at Jack's door and a sleepy Jack emerged. He wasn't wearing a shirt like he usually did except when he first met me, and his hair was messed up.

I giggled, "Morning sleepy head"

"Morning Lily." He answered while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Then he gestured for me to come in.

"Thank you." I said as I walked in, "I was going to ask you to do my hair but it seems I should be the one to do your hair this morning hmm?" I teased, Jack shrugged, "You can if you want."

I looked at him surprised and slightly blushing.

"A-Alright why don't you sit down then."

Jack nodded and sat down, then I got a brush and started brushing out his hair. It was so soft and silky.

"So what do you want me to do with it?"

He shrugged, "Surprise me." I nodded and started working on his hair. I decided to do three braids on the right side of his head that meet in a ponytail. It was his usual hair style but it had a twist.

"Done!" I handed him a mirror, "Wow, this looks great thank you Lily."

I nodded, "No problem."

He smiled, "Do you want me to do yours?" He asked kindly while putting on a shirt

"No it's fine I'll just put my bangs back and let it be."

Jack smiled at me and nodded

"Alright then let's go get some food." He held out his hand for me and I shyly took it. He squeezed my hand back once it was in his. I blushed more, "You are so cute when you blush, Lily." His comment made me blush harder and I looked away. Jack smiled and we went to go get food.


When we were done eating Jack spoke, "I really hate to say this but, I'm going to talk to Greta. You're welcome to join me if you'd like."


Then Jack lead me into the prison.

"Stay close to me and don't let go of my hand." Jack warned

"Don't worry I don't have any desire to talk to the prisoners."

Jack looked at me sternly, "Good."

Greta pov

I was sitting alone in my cell pondering on how I would win Jack back after Lily is dead. I didn't even bother with my breakfast I was so caught up in my thoughts. When I heard light footsteps, they were too light to be a gaurds so I looked up to see who it was. Of course it just had to be Jack holding the hand to that stupid blue eyed girl.

"Gretta." Jack called

"Jack." I answered while giving the girl a rude look. She winced and moved behind Jack, who in return rubbed her hand in his. Why can't that be me? Why can't I be the one Jack fell in love with and she be the one behind bars?

"Gretta," Jack's voice brought me back to reality, "I have some questions to ask you."

I nodded, "Anything for you Jack." I smiled sweetly at him he didn't smile back.

"I already figured out that you conspired with the Dark Moon Tribe, I just want to know why."

He's too smart for his own good.

I just shrugged, "I don't know." I did have a reason I just didn't want to tell him.

Jack sighed, then the girl perked up.

"Gretta, I know you don't want to tell us but if you do maybe we could help you." She smiled lightly at me and I felt lighter. My doubts, fears, anxiety, and thoughts vanished from me and I felt that I needed to tell her. I just looked at her for a second in shock, then I shook my head and answered.

"Why do you care?" I spat

Her composure stayed calm as she smiled. Geez I wish I could just-

"I care because I know you care for Jack, if you truly care about him you'll tell me why you went to the Dark Moon Tribe." Once again my doubts, fears, anxiety, and thoughts vanished from me and I felt indebted to her.

I couldn't shake the feeling so I just stayed silent

"Let's go Lily." Jack, obviously annoyed started to leave and tugged Lily with him. She peered into my eyes and it felt like a light had blinded me so I looked at the floor as they left.

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