Chapter 29 Preparations

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Today was the day of the Moon Ceremony and I felt different for the last few days as the full moon pierced the island. Today I felt really, off in a way. I felt light and compelled to stand on the altar as the moons rays pierced it. I just couldn't shake it, it was like I was meant to be... Sacrificed.

I didn't want to leave Jack or this island so I tried to act normal as the Ceremony was being prepared. Jack must've snuck up on me at some point because his voice woke me from my thoughts.

"Lily? Are you okay?"

I nodded, "Yea I'm fine." I nodded

Jack didn't believe me and knew something was up so he gave me a tight hug. I hugged him back, "Thank you." I muttered.

Jack gave me one last squeeze then he let me go.

"Remember you can always talk to me about anything okay?" Jack reassured me while he looked into my eyes and gave me a concerned smile. I just smiled back at him, "Yah, I know." I gave him a smile and he stepped away from me to help with the preparations. I didn't want to worry him about how I was feeling after all it's probably just my anxiety. This is my first moon ceremony and a girl will be sacrificed so this is all just going to my head. I just can't shake the thought that I'm the one that's supposed to be sacrificed it's like the moon is beckoning me... Okay I really need to not think about this, Oh I know I'll just chill by Jack and see if he needs any help. I walked over to Jack, who was setting up some lanterns, and called out to him, "Hey again do you need any help?"

Jack looked over to me and smiled, "No I've got this all under control why don't you go back to my hut and read a book or hang out for a bit I'll be right there." He smiled and watched me as I left. I entered Jack's hut and found his book shelf, he had a lot of books crammed in here that's for sure. One really caught my eye so I pulled it out. It was white with purple binding and accents, it had the Crescent Moon Tribe's emblem on it, a yin yang symbol. I opened it up to a random page and found some kinda prophecy?


Only a true pure maiden can harness the moon's power

Many will try and fail

If you fail you die

Only the truest pure white maiden may harness the moon's power

She will keep this power forever and use it however she sees fit

Only a true pure maiden can harness the moon's power

Power comes with a cost

The cost for power is blood

Only a true pure maiden can harness the moon's power

Who will die next searching for this ancient power

Only the truest pure white maiden may harness the moon's power


I gasped in shock and the book dropped out of my hands. I feel like-like...

Jack came in, "Hey Li-" His smile soon vanished and he quickly walked over to me, "Are you okay?" he asked as he peered into my eyes. I-I didn't know what to say, I got flashes of images in my mind. I-I can't think, I started shaking with fear from images burning through my mind. Jack held me tightly as I fell to my knees.

"Shhh, Shhhh, It's okay, It's okay. Lily it's okay." he hushed me as he hugged me closely. I couldn't stop shaking, I-I don't wanna leave you Jack. Tears unwillingly spilled down my cheeks. Jack just held me tighter and patted my back.

"What did you see?" Jack asked

"I saw... " 

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