Chapter 10 Ugh, My Heart

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Lily pov

I woke to something rustling, gosh dang it Jack why won't you leave me alone. Can't you see that I want to fall for you but can't yet?

I could leave him a note... but I don't wanna. I want to see his face and hear his voice. I want to love him, but I can't... I've been hurt so many times... especially now after Trenton. I don't want to lose anyone anymore.

I dropped down from my home to find some candles and lanterns, smart, now I will have light and my house won't burn down in the process. I knew Jack had to be nearby so I put the candles in my house, grabbed my dagger, bow and arrows, and headed off in the direction I assumed he had come from. I walked for a while when I heard something rustling. I knew it had to be Jack so I called out to him.

"Okay Jack you're not very stealthy. I know it's you, come out already."

Then a figure came out of the shadows

"I'm not Jack I can assure you." A man's voice greeted me but it was definitely not Jacks.

He slowly came into my view

He was a tall overly muscular man. He had a shaved head with odd tattoos on it, and piercing silver eyes. His gaze was menacing, this man was dangerous in his size alone.

Then he lunged at me with a knife and held it to my throat.

"I see how Jack cares for you, I can squeeze the crown right out of his hands."

I was so scared I was frozen and I couldn't think straight.

Jack, please save me.... Was all I could think

"Come on move it blondie." The man pushed the knife at my throat harder, breaking some skin and nudged me forward.

Then I heard a sound from behind us

"If you want the crown that bad you should have killed me first you cowered." Jack smirked

Everything happened so fast and before I knew it I was safe in Jack's arms. He held me tightly then stood in front of me to protect me.

"You know you are not welcome here, Silver Wind of the Dark Moon Tribe." Jack matter of a factly

Silver Wind just smirked standing up straighter, he must've taken a blow to the gut. As he was holding his now bloodied hands to his stomach

"We killed your tribe long ago because you misused this island."

"You think I care!" Silver Wind sneered, "In eleven months everything will change, and the Dark Moon Tribe will be back on top!" Silver Wind Sneered then ran off into the woods where he came from. Leaving a small bloody trail to follow.

Jack stayed in a fighting stance for a few more moments before he relaxed and turned to look at me. I hugged him relieved. He hugged me back tightly.

"Lily I am so sorry I should have stayed closer to you. Are you okay?" Then Jack noticed my neck, His eyes got big with shock

"I cannot believe I let this happen, Lily I am so sorry." Jack looked at me apologetically.

"It's okay Jack it wasn't your fault, but what did that guy mean when he said in eleven months everything will change?" I asked

Jacked sighed once before continuing,

"Allow me to explain, In eleven months the blue moon's light will pierce this island, changing it in the process. We harvest this light from our temple. It has a very powerful magic energy. The Dark Moon Tribe wants to harvest this energy to give themselves powers and wipe out our tribe for good, then the rest of the world." Jack admitted

"So how exactly does the island change, I know you said it replenishes intself. I'm confused as to what the blue moon does?" I asked

"Well there was a prophecy long ago about the moon revealing its true form on a blue moon, that's why the Tribe of The Dark Moon wants to control this island so badly. That's also why every full moon we have ceremonies where everyone is present and every blue moon we hope the prophecy will be fulfilled." Jack admitted again

"So you kill all intruders so they can't steal this power for themselves?"

"Yes." Jack agreed

"Alright then, that makes sense." I nodded

Jack then noticed my neck again

"Oh let me go get some salve for that. I'll be right back to you my precious flower. Just stay in your makeshift home in the trees okay?"

I nodded then Jack escorted me to my tree and left. I climbed up to the floor and sat down.

Some time elapsed before I heard a knock at the base of my tree

"Lily," Jack called

I smiled and looked down at him

"Come on up." I beckoned him

He nodded and climbed up the tree nimbly. I picked a hard tree to climb so predators wouldn't climb it, seeing how nimbly he got up here just shows his skill. Or maybe he climbs a lot of trees. Or perhaps I picked the wrong tree.

He sat down by me on my makeshift cot.

"Let me see it." He beckoned

"O-Okay" I got embarrassed again

He smiled and took my chin in his hands.

"It doesn't look too bad." Jack admitted looking at the cut on my neck

"That's good." I agreed hiding my flushed cheeks. It had been some time since someone had offered to help clean my injuries.

"This salve should help the healing process."

He spoke with a more relaxed tone. He smiled and applied the salve. It tickled a little bit so I moved my chin a tad.

"Did I hurt you?" Jack looked at me and asked full of concern.

"No, it just tickled" I looked away shyly

Jack smiled

"Good, that means it's working."

"It does?" I asked

Jack laughed, "No, I'm just messing with you." Jack smiled

I crossed my arms and looked away

"Aww hey come on don't be like that." Jack pleaded

He finished applying the salve and put a wrap on it. Then he grabbed my chin gently and made me look at him. I blushed and averted his gaze.

"Look at me." He ordered

I obeyed and looked at him. Then he moved in for a kiss. He almost kissed me but I turned my head.

"You can't."

"Why not." he asked

"Because you shouldn't fall in love with me, thank you for saving me and all but I think it's time you went home." I said coldly

"Okay." He took his hand off my chin and jumped down from the tree and left me alone. I wish it was easy to fall in love with you, Jack. I really do... but I'm afraid my heart can't handle it, it's too broken. 

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