Chapter 3

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"Hello, Lovelies! Welcome to another video with me. As you see I have a guest today and you might not know him. His name is Liam Payne. He is a very good friend of mine and he agreed to do a video with me. I hope you are nice to him." I said hugging Liam by the side. He smiles back at me and he says hi to the camera.

"So today we will be doing the infamous chubby bunny challenge. For those of you who don't know of this chubby bunny, I am speaking of its when you stuff these marshmallows in your mouth and see who gets the most before you practically vomit it out." I say. Showing the camera the bag of marshmallows.

"That sounds so good when you explain it like that." Liam laughs.

"Oh shut up. Well, here we have rather large bowls. That's for the person who chickens out." I said showing them the bowl, Liam doing the same.

I open the bag and pour them into another larger bowl. "So after you put one in your mouth, you have to say Chubby bunny," I say.

"What if I can't say it?"

"I don't know," I said shrugging.

He rolls his eyes and we start.

We put one in and say Chubby bunny.

We put another and say chubby bunny.

This goes on 7 more marshmallows. Before Liam nearly chokes on one for laughing. We spit them out and laugh some more.

"My mouth tastes like candy land," Liam said.

"Uggh same. I'm probably gonna get 5 cavities after this." I say and we laugh for a few seconds.

"Well, it's time for us to leave. I hoped you like Liam. Comment below if you want to see him again! And if you liked the video go ahead and give it a thumbs up and if you didn't like it still give it a thumbs up cause why not? Don't forget to subscribe. I love you! Byeee. So Liam when we end a video we kiss and wave. Soooo..." Liam and I do the thing and I turn off the camera.

"That was fun!" He said jumping on the couch.

"Why do I think I do this for a living?" I say laughing.

"I hope people like it. I don't like hate."

"They'll love you. You'll be lucky if you don't get stopped on the streets." I said.

I take the camera to the kitchen where my laptop is waiting. Liam follows and I start the editing.

After thirty minutes Liam gets bored and goes into the living room to watch some television. When I finish and post it, I walked into the living room with the laptop in hand. Liams upside down on the couch. His head close to the floor and his legs in the air swinging. When he sees me he turns himself around screams "finally!"

"Did you post it? Did they like it? Are they commenting? Are they hating on me?" He questioned.

I was about to answer when my phone goes off. I open it up and see that theirs a new tag trending. Liam looks over my shoulder to see what's going on.


"What the heck is a Lirry?" He asks.

"I don't know." I click on the tag and I see post after post. It was me and Liam in the video. I posted that video 20 minutes ago and I already broke Twitter. Its the 2 most popular tag on Twitter.

"So Lirry is our ship name?" He asks.

"I think so," I said going through posts. All of them are posts saying how cute we'd be as a couple and people saying they ship it. Theirs the occasional ones hating on it.

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