Chapter 19

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I follow Zayn into the kitchen after we both put on some boxers. Never would I think that Louis would just do something like that. I really thought he liked me but I guess not. I bet he wasn't even drunk. I mean I was gone for at least 20 minutes. Couldn't he just keep to himself for that long?

But what if it's a big misunderstanding? What if I'm overreacting. I mean Louis can date whoever he wants because he's not my boyfriend. He doesn't belong to me.

"Hazza stop thinking so much. Your gonna get forehead creases." Zayn chuckles.

"You're not mad that we slept together, right?" I asked. I really didn't want him to be uncomfortable with me hooking up with him. I know we've done it before but you never know.

"Of course not. I had fun. Your always fun in bed." He said winking then chuckling afterward. I laugh as well because I know we can't be mad at each other. We have that kind of relationship.

"He texted me. He said he wanted to explain why he was on that guy's lap last night. How he was so stupid for it and that he wasn't using me to get on some famous guys good graces. He said he was sorry, Z. What should I do?" I asked putting my hands on my forehead so my hair wasn't in my face.

He put his hands on the counter across from me and sighed. "I don't know. Maybe you should listen to what he has to say. I mean it wouldn't hurt right?"

"I guess. Do you know a place I could ask him to meet up? Something that's small so there aren't a lot of people around?"

"Hmm. There's this small cafe thing close by. It's kinda small but it's a little known by the people. Might not be as quiet as you want it."

"Sounds perfect. You're a lifesaver Z." I said before getting up and going to my room. I took my phone off the nightstand and open messages.

H-Can you meet me at the Plymouth Cafe near my hotel in an hour?

He responded quickly saying "ok." 

I had to get ready.


30 minutes later, I walk out of my bedroom fully dressed and ready to go. As of right now, all I had to do is kill a little time.

I was thinking of telling Louis that I'm Marcel. There's a 99.99% chance he'll get mad but it has to get done. If I don't tell him, he'll get even madder at me. I say goodbye to Zayn before I leave to meet Louis.

I get to the café I told him to meet me at and sit down in a booth sitting facing the door so when he walks in, he'll see me.

My hands are shaking. I've never been this nervous. I've been in front of hundreds of thousands of people and I always felt happy to be there but right now I feel like my stomach is going to explode.

Suddenly the door opens and Louis walks in looking beautiful as ever. How am I going to tell him that I'm a completely different person?

He spots me from where I'm sitting and heads in my direction. The emotions that are running through my body are unexplainable. I can't really feel the lower part of my body.

"Hi, Harry." He said sitting down on the opposite side of me. He also looks very nervous.

"Hey Louis," I said back. I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened last night. I seriously don't know what was going inside my mi-"

"I'm Marcel."

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