Chapter 2

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Liam and I decided to go skating since it was getting colder. It was already December and I'm pretty sure there was going to be snow this week. It was all fun until I fell and broke my glasses, me being the clumsiest person in the universe. Now he might recognize me. I told him to take me home since I can't see anything and I might fall again. So he took me home and didn't say a word. When we got in I invited him in and told him to wait in the living room while I go get my emergency glasses.

When I got back he was sitting down on the couch going through his phone. I sat next to him and he faced me and smiled.

"You wanna do something?" He asked.

"Uhh. Wanna watch a movie? Or maybe play a video game or something?"

"I'm not much of a video game guy. But I do love a good movie." He smiled.

"Well, you can choose the movie. I'll go make some popcorn." I said getting up and putting the popcorn in the microwave.


Most of the popcorn was on the floor after we had a popcorn fight. The movie he chose was really funny and it ended a good 20 minutes ago. Right now we were talking about nothing really important just stuff like what we want to do and stuff like that.

"Marcel. Why do you dress up... like that? I don't want to disrespect you or do anything to hurt you. It's just... it's not every day you see a kid our age wearing something like how you dress."

"Well... I just like this. There's no specific reason. It is what it is." I said shrugging.

"I'm tired." He yawned.

"You wanna stay over? There's room." I said.

"Sure. I'll just tell my parents. Don't want them yelling at me to come over at 3 in the morning." He said. I went to the kitchen and got a broom to clean up the mess we made and when I came back Liam was finishing his call. We cleaned up the living room and made our way upstairs to the bedrooms. He chose to sleep in the one next to mine. I gave him something to sleep in and said tell me if you need anything and went off to my bedroom. I took a shower and decided to sleep without a shirt but to leave some sweats on just in case he came in. After a few minutes, I was asleep.


The next morning I wake up tired. I sit up in bed and yawn. I get up and make my way to the kitchen to make me some coffee, not bothering to put a shirt on since nobody's here. I don't really drink coffee but I usually do when it's Sunday because I always have something to do and I need the energy.

I set the coffee on the table and open the fridge to make some eggs. I turn the stove on and they start cooking.

Just as they were almost finished I heard something fall behind me and I almost have a heart attack. Standing behind me is a confused Liam with a fork ready to be thrown in my direction. My eyes grow wide. I completely forgot that Liam stayed the night! This is terrible.

"Marcel? Or... Or is it Harry? Or I don't know. What the heck is going on?" He said pointing the fork at me.

"Put the fork down Liam," I said turning off the stove and putting the eggs on a plate. When I turned around Liam was still holding the fork. I sighed and walked over to take the fork from his hands. He hesitated at first but gave me the fork nonetheless.

"Can you just tell me who you are?" He said putting his hand on his forehead.

"I'm both."

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