Chapter 20

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"I'm Marcel."

He stopped mid-sentence and just stared at me. He stared at me for a solid minute before his eyes changed from confusion to anger.

"What do you mean your Marcel?" He asked confusion and anger in his voice.

"I am Marcel Cox. The nerd who slicks his hair back and wears weird clothes. I am the kid you bully and the person you have a film project with. Look I'm sorry I didn-"

"Stop. Stop talking. Just stop." He said taking a deep breathe afterward. "So what your saying is that you've been lying to me this whole time?! I can't believe what I'm hearing. You've been playing with me this whole time? I thought I was the mean one but dammit. That just messed up." He said getting up and running away before I could get words out.


I walked into the hotel Wanting to just throw myself from the balcony. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that I was Marcel.

Actually, I'm glad I told him. I feel like a weight was taken off of my shoulders. I really do. Now I don't have to keep this huge secret from him. But I do feel horrible. He wasn't expecting any of that and I just took it out on him. But he doesn't even know the whole story. He just walked out on me before I could explain myself.

How am I going to tell him the whole story? We'll be in America for another 3 days.

"Hey! How did he take the news?" Zayn asked walking into the living room as I sat down on the couch.

"Horrible! He got upset and just left. I didn't even get the chance to explain myself."

"Look, everything will be ok. And if he doesn't get his shit together, it's his loss. You're Harry Fucking Styles." He said walking over to me and sitting down beside me.

"I know. I think he just needs some space." I say as I lean my head on his shoulder. I honestly do hope he forgives me. I got really drunk and slept with my best friend. And he doesn't even know about that part.


The next two days pass by slowly. Not having Louis around really did bring me down a little. Zayn tried to get my mood up for the fans but that only did so much. And lots of the fans noticed. Twitter had a tag going around about my mood change.


I missed Louis. I missed the way he looked at me when he thought I wasn't looking.

I missed the way his hand felt when my hand was intertwined with mine.

I missed him.

He hasn't been anywhere near here and I was so close to leaving and trying to find him.

"Harry, C'mon we have fans here," Zayn said after taking me aside. He sighed before saying, "Look, I know you're bummed but you have hundreds and hundreds of fans waiting for Harry's mother fucking Styles to go out there and put a smile on their face. Now you put that sad bullshit away and go entertain some beautiful people." He said putting both of his hands on my shoulders.

It did knock some sense into me. I have a responsibility to make sure my fans are having a good time and I haven't been doing that.

"Thanks, Zayn. Thanks a lot." I said before patting him on the back and going back to the crowd of people waiting for me. I get this grand idea and take a look at the security.

Out of nowhere, I stand on the table so I can get a good look at the people around me.

"Hello everybody! Thank you all for coming. I know I haven't been myself for the past couple of days but I'm back and I'm here for all of you. I hope you enjoy yourselves." I said before kissing and waving to all of the fans. They woohoo'd and cheered and it felt amazing. Never again will I ever let a boy get in the way of my fans. It's not fair to me or them.


Today would be our last day in America. Tomorrow morning, we will take our bags and go to the airport and leave. We spent most of the day just packing our things and watching what was on tv.

The sad thing was, I would have to leave Louis here all alone. I knew he was still mad at me and he probably didn't want anything to do with me. He thinks I wanted to fool him but that wasn't the case at all. I just wanted to go to school without being noticed. Hurting him wasn't on my list.

I sit down on the couch and take my phone out of my pocket. If he doesn't want to talk to me, I'll just have to call him until he does.

I look through my contacts and click on his name. It rings for a couple of minutes until the automated voice telling me to leave a message comes on. I sigh and try again. I try again. And again. And again.

After the 6th try, he finally picks up.

"Marc- Harry can you just please leave me alone? I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Does that mean we'll talk later?" I say hopefully.

"I don't know." He said quietly.

"Ok, I get it. But I'm going back home tomorrow and I need to show you something before I leave. Can you please just meet with me later?"

"... Fine." He said defeated.

"Yes! Ok. I'm going to text you the address. I promise I'll make this right."  I said before hanging up with a smile on my face.

I was finally going to make things right.


I was waiting at the top of a tall building, waiting for Louis to arrive. I made sure the people at the front desk knew where to send him once he got here.

I waited a couple of minutes before checking my phone. Just then, Louis came through the creaky, metal door. He looked beautiful as usual, wearing an Adidas sweatshirt with some skinny jeans. He had a frown on his face yet he still managed to take my breath away.

"Harry." He said still frowning.

"Louis.  Thank you for coming."

"Why did you want me to come here?" He said. I guess he hasn't seen the view. I motioned towards the city and his eyes went wide once he noticed.

"Holy shit." He said looking towards the city. "This is amazing. How the hell did you even find this place?"

"I found it when I did a photo shoot a couple of floors down," I said quietly.

"This is amazing Harry." He said leaning over the railing and gazing over the city.

"Lou I really need to explain." I blurted out.

He froze for a couple of seconds as if he was remembering that I told him a huge secret. "I just don't understand. Why would you do that? Why would you lie to everyone you know?"

"It's not what it seems. I was just trying to live a normal life, Lou. I didn't want people to be my friend for being famous. And I really wanted to finish my high school education. I know it seems crazy but it's the truth. You have to believe me." I beg. "I never tried to hurt you."

"Jesus." He said shaking his head and looking back at the city. "You are one crazy person, Harold." He laughed and I smiled at his reaction. "What about the project?"

"I have an idea for that."

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